1. Melina

591 35 9


She brushed away the stray hair that flew from her bun and onto her face, while giving a sigh of impatience.

She stood just into the forest, using the cover of the trees for protection while keeping a vigilant eye on the scene in front of her.

Teenagers in all shapes and forms were having the time of their life. The party in front of her was in full swing and when the loud music reached her ears, she wished she could just forget everything and join them.

But she couldn't. She was sworn to do this and she couldn't mess up this one. Because today's assignment was a big one.

"Melina? You there?" came her superior, Mark's voice through the earpiece she was wearing.

"I'm here, Mark," she said.

"Don't hesitate for a second now, Mel, this is a big assignment. I hope you're not having second thoughts," came his voice after a short pause.

She cringed at that. So he'd heard the rumors too.

She was having second thoughts. After dedicating ten years of her existence to this job, for the first time she was doubting the work she was doing.

"Bots don't have second thoughts, Mark," she said, instead of affirming his statement.

"There's the Mel I know. You go do this and we'll all go out and have a real party, kay?" he said, trying to lighten the mood.

She said yes and resumed back to watching. And waiting.

There were new members in the club tonight, and their awed expressions as they took in everything formed a knot of jealousy in her stomach.

So innocent. And she wasn't.

"Hail Wattpad!" came a voice from within the party that resulted in a round of cheers.

She lost sight of the girl she'd been tracking and her eyes scanned through the entire crowd before landing on the blonde-haired-blue-eyed girl that was the center of attention.

It was a risk, taking down the popular ones.

For years, Bots have targeted only the newbies and the less popular ones. Ones that nobody bothered about, ones who go unnoticed even when something major happened to them.

But this time, they decided to broaden the choice of prey and decided to take down one of the popular ones. They needed to respect us, Mark had told her when she'd asked him why they were doing this.

The Bots were formed by the group if people who were against Wattpad, the secret society that harnesses talent for weaving a good story and hones their skills. This society delivers the greatest writers, lawyers and all the others that require a flair for vocabulary.

From her time with the Bots, she learned that they were the people who were rejected by Wattpad, the reasons unknown. They swore to take their revenge by destroying the one thing that almost all Wattpaders hold dear to their life, their stories.

They target their prey and in the middle of the night, go for the kill and destroy all their precious stories, thereby destroying their precious votes and thereby inducing a feeling of hatred in their minds against Wattpad and making them quit the society forever.

The more the number of people that drop out, the more downfall Wattpad shall face and sooner or later, it will come to a close.

Well, that's the idea anyway.

But as the attacks continued, it came to notice that though people were indeed quitting, it wasn't up to the extent they'd all planned.

So that's when, the heads came up with the idea of attacking the popular ones. They have the biggest fan base. It made sense, actually.

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