A short storty about My Friend

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We both came into existence around the same time
He has always taken care of me since then
Even when I was young, he was finding his way too
Unsure of what to protect me from and what not

We've had fights. Many things we disagreed on.
I hated him at one point.
I think maybe he didn't care that I did,
Feeling he could decide what would or wouldn't
Happen to me


Things used to be really bad but as we both aged we both became closer to understanding eachother.
Setting boundaries and respecting eachother.
He's goal was to protect me.
Mine was to survive.

We both want the same thing.
So why fight?

There are certain things he's covered me from.
For that I appreciate him and am coming to love him.

Lessons I otherwise wouldn't of learned.

he needs to respect my choices as well.
Not punish me for choosing a path he may not have wanted for me. Freedom, is the only way I could exist.

We both need to accept
Things don't go according to plan.

And that happens sometimes, it's ok.


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