31• |Elucidating anecdotes|

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"Guys, Alya has an idea to pitch

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"Guys, Alya has an idea to pitch." Nandini finally said putting an end to the mute banter between her and Alya about who was going to say it out loud to the guys. Manik and Dhruv looked at Nandini first and then averted their attention to Alya to hear what she had in mind.

"Huh..." Alya felt a shortage of words while she glared at Nandini for putting her in a situation like this.

"What is it?" Dhruv pushed her to say.

"Okay! I remembered that both of you were working to put up a start-up of your own, a few months ago. So, I was thinking why should you not use this as an opportunity to continue with that and build on it?" Alya's tone was very suggestive looking at their faces. They were shocked by the sudden intrusion of such an uncomfortable topic given the way that had ended in the past.

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