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Taylor's POV

I woke up earlier than Y/N. I need to prepare for our trip today. I had planned everything and hopefully it will turn out great.


After long days of being busy, I finally have the chance to be with her again. I already asked Gray to drive me back to my house to get all the things we need. I got out of Y/N's bed and kissed her forehead gently not wanting to wake her up. I looked at the clock and notice that it's 6 in the morning. I walked to the table in her room and grabbed a piece of paper and pen.

Good morning darling. I just went to my house to get all the things we need for our trip. xx

- Taylor

I wrote it just incase she woke up early which I doubt but at least she'll know. I went to her bathroom and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I got out and went to Y/N once again to kiss her forhead and pulled the blanket until it reaches her face to keep her warm. Walking out of her room I saw Gray already waiting at the living room. He drove me back to my house and I grabbed my bag with my clothes while he got his own bag and the one that I packed for Y/N and I's date. I took a quick shower before leaving. Going back to Y/N's house, there were two cars. The one that I will drive with Y/N, alone and the one for my guards. Gray didn't agreed to at first and get suspicious but I told him that I want to enjoy my days off without feeling that I am a celebrity and just a normal people. He respects my privacy which I am very glad to so he agreed.

I entered Y/N's house with a spare key that she gave me. I put the bags down and went to her room only to be greeted by an empty bed. I heard someone singing Wildest Dreams. I giggled knowing it's Y/N in the bathroom. I sat on her bed and waited for her to came out. Few minutes and she walked out. She was surprised for a bit then walked towards me, leaning down and kissing me. A thing that she always do that makes me shivers every time. I pulled her down on my lap and kissed her back.

"Are you singing Wildest Dreams?" I asked her in between our kiss. She pulled back and blushed. I giggled, "Babe, you're voice is not bad. It's amazing."

"Oh shush. You're just saying that because you're nice and don't wanna hurt my feelings."

"Hey I am not. Believe me when I say that, okay?" She just shrugged.

"What time are we leaving babe?"


"Then we better hurry up then?"

"Yeah. You go take a shower and I'll make us breakfast."

She nodded and smiled. I walked back downstairs and started making breakfast. After eating we placed all the bags in the car and Y/N noticed that there are two cars.

"Tay? Why are there two cars?" she asked quietly so that the guards won't hear her.

"I told Gray that I'll drive us and they'll just follow us. I want some alone time with you."

She smiled and entered the car. I sat on the driver's seat and buckled up.


We are currently at a gas station, Y/N needed to use a restroom. Let's just say that she keeps on bugging me where we're going or if are we almost there.

I was at this shop with Gray picking something to eat when I felt being attacked by someone. I quickly looked at the person at my back and relaxed in her touch.

"What do you wanna eat?" I asked her eyeing Gray on my peripheral view.

She hummed and kissed my neck, "You."

I looked at her, shocked. Then I saw her giggle, "Whatever your eating. Gosh Tay, such a dirty mind."

I blushed at her and rolled my eyes. Why the hell did I thought that?! She stood beside me, "What are you gonna eat?"

"Maybe some hotdogs." She nodded and grabbed two hotdogs. I asked Gray if he want some and he only shooked his head. We return to my car and started hitting the road again.


We are currently at Syracuse, New York now and Y/N's trying her hardest not to fall asleep so she can keep me company.

"Babe, you can sleep. I'll wake you up when we're there."

"I'm not sleepy" she was interuppted by herself yawning. I chuckled at her, "Come on babe. Sleep. You woke up early and yesterday was a busy day at the cafè."


I reached for her hand and held it as she falls asleep while my other hand was on the steering wheel. I would look at her from time to time and back at the road again. Seeing her looking so peacefully as she sleeps makes me so happy. I really can't wait to be there and for our date. We finally reached our destination. I figured it would be better to go to the hotel first before exploring the place. I parked the car and saw  Gray with the five bodyguards got out and checked the area. It's a small hotel. Not extravagant and all but I hope that it's alright with Y/N. I'd rather spend my life with her alone in a simple yet cozy place than in a busy and large place. I gently tapped her shoulder,

"Hey, we're here."

She stirred for a bit before opening her one eye and closing it again. She let out a quiet yawn and looked to me.

"Finally!" she exclaimed.

I chuckled at her, "Let's get out of the car." She nodded and went out. We went to the back of the car to get our things and entered the hotel.


Looking around the hotel, it's beautiful. Simple but very pleasing to the eyes. Taylor hold my hand walking to the lobby. Gray's not so far away from us.

Taylor spoke "Reservation for Y/F/N Y/L/N."

The woman gave us two keys for two rooms. Taylor handed the other one to Gray and the three of us went to the elevator when one of Taylor's guard came with us getting our bags and holding it.

"Why is it on my name, Tay?"

"Right. I figured it would be best if it's on your name so you know, people would not freak out by the fact that I am here. No paparazzis too."

I nodded and smiled at her, still holding her hand. The elevator door soon opened and we went out. Taylor opened the door with the key in her hand,

"After you." I blushed at her and entered the room. I heard Taylor taking to Gray so I examined the room. It's a wonderful room. A queen sized bed, a table, a cabinet, a tv, a small couch and a bathroom. But there is really one thing that caught my eyes. The view. There's a lake? I think. It's so beautiful. I bet the view of the sun setting here will look so beautiful. I felt a pair of hands wrapped around me and I saw the familiar blonde locks on my shoulder.

"Do you like it?"

"Tay, it's so beautiful."

"I know. Just like you."

I blushed looking away hiding my blush. She giggled. A few minutes later we decided to unpacked. Taylor told me that we will be exploring the city later. For now, we need to rest and save the energy. It is going to be a long day ahead of us and I am so excited and curious as to where we are. But most of the two, really really excited.


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