22. Night in the camp

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"That isn't an excuse to not drink Juli," Alexander swivelled the beer in his goblet, bloodshot eyes fixed on the warlord sitting across from him.

"Oh! Wait wait wait...," he sputtered, "because the putiful writer will be sleeping in yo bed? You plan on being sober so ya don't accidentally knock her up?" his laughter died down as he raised the goblet to chug down another shot.

"I have more important work than fathering illegitimate kiddos, and don't you dare call me Juli again," Julian snorted, bringing a beer cup to his lips but not drinking.

"Ansa me first asshole," Alexander growled.

He filled in a deep breath and let go, shoulders hunched down,
"Yes, something like that. I don't intend to keep my head in my junk while I sleep next to her," he rubbed a hand over his face, a never-been-there anxiousness tickling him constantly.

"Wanna take it slow with her, huh? Don't have more important work, Juli?" Alexander teased.

"Have I asked about your concubines that you're hellbent on knowing mine Alexa?" he spat, tired with his drinking sessions. Alexander's calling him Juli was a sign if he'd drink anymore, he would pass out.

"Ah! Ask away haha I'll tell bout her," he banged the goblet down, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Sop, she... is this really hot, you know hot right, Juli? Really hot piece of human, hotter than yo.. yo putiful gurl-"

"Spit already,"

"Mhmm... Lola," he sighed dreamily, "Seems like the perfection of a woman."

"Then you better be off to her," Julian raised from his seat, steadying the Macedonian general, who was lost in the thoughts of his newest concubine.

"Yep, right thing. I will sleep in the concubine's assassin tonight," he mumbled. "Lemme see what's that Lola made up of!"

"Its association," Julian grumbled, finally able to drag him out of the camp and away from his drinks.

The said concubine was startled when he pushed the drunk general into her room. It was a good thing they assigned her a drunkard during her selection.

He had seen women like the concubine Alexander had chosen, but it didn't surprise him. His blue-eyed fantasy was much sweeter.

Since when were you prowling for sweet women? he scoffed at the voice inside him.

True to that. He had gone insane, unexpectedly changing his choice of women.

He walked back to the camp area. Checking the surrounding once again, he trudged back to his camp. Heart beating an erratic rhythm.

"The fuck's wrong with me," he touched a hand to his chest, rubbing it continually for the uncooperative feeling to go. It was happening for quite a time, and he couldn't figure out for his Hades sake what was wrong with him.

Initially, he had thought if it was because of the drinking sessions with Alexander. Had he drunk too much that his heart was on its way to a massive attack? He was panicked by the thought of dying so soon and had quit drinking all at once.

Despite that, the shitty feeling won't go.

Entering the camp, he shook out of his boots and fetched a cistern. Pouring water in his hands, he splashed his face, weaving a wet hand through his hair.

When he relaxed a bit, his eyes landed on the sleeping figure of his blue-eyed fantasy.

Her slender body lay crouched on the bed, facing away from him. The even movement of her back told she'd slept long after he was gone.

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