47. Bath arena

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It was still dawn, with faint blue morning light illuminating the sky as I stood outside Julian's room.

I had woken earlier than usual to have my book, which I wasn't able to fetch yesterday.

Sleep still had its grip on me, but I had washed my face and fixed my hair. I had come now, just so the concubines don't spot me to make disgusting assumptions.

"Yes, gracious lady, he is awake," The guard replied and started opening the door.

"Wait, wait!" I was almost going to hold his arm, "If you could tell him that... I want my book and... maybe you can hand it to me... here only," I stated hesitantly.

"Uh, alright," With a confused look, he entered the room. I tucked my hair behind the ear.

Although Caspara's actions were hurtful, I wasn't going to complain about her. What would I even get by ruining her relationship with him? That would only draw more attention to me.

The guard came back, "He's calling you in." I closed my eyes to brace myself.

The milky curtains of his four-poster bed were halfway down, like a creamy fluid going about the bed.

My breath hitched. It was the first time I was seeing them hanging down. Strangely, giving a sensual look to his room.

I gasped and turned around when I spotted his bed. Was that... Caspara lying in there?

"What happened?" I heard his groggy morning voice. He stood near the long wooden table as he drank something from a small glass.

A single marron night robe draped him, tied around his waist with golden satin. The loose sleeves coming till his wrist.

"I uh," I gave a nervous laugh at my stupidity after seeing the long pillows, "I thought Caspara was... sleeping in there..." I trailed embarrassed.

After all, he did say the curtains were down for... hiding pretty activities.

He faced me, still drinking, but his eyes were hooked on me, "I sleep alone," he mumbled, his voice thick.

He sounded disappointed and suggestive at the same time.

"I- I see," I smiled awkwardly, "I um, came to... have my book."

His every step across the room was evoking a forbidden feeling in me. I kept my gaze fixed to the ground. It was taking my mind to so many not so good places that I refused to look around.

Closing the cupboard, he walked up to me, holding out the book. I took it timidly.

"Thank you. M- May I leave-"

"You made something yesterday?"

That caught me off guard.

"Yes," I stared down my book to calm my maddening heart.

He walked back to lean against his throne that stood at the centre of the room, crossing his arms against the chest.

"And that is?" he prompted.

"I tried recreating... Ishtar's offering," I couldn't look him in the face. His voice was drowsy, yet made me more awake than I already was.

"Didn't bother to give me some?"

I peeked a little, only to see the robe undone around his chest as he crossed his arms. I tried hard not to gulp.

"It was sent to your room... with your warm milk," I heaved out.

He placed his hands on the armrest, watching me with a tilted gaze, "You didn't bring it?"

"One of your c- concubines did..." I mumbled. Concubine Caspara B!

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