35. Baby steps

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It had been a month since I last saw Julian. Time seemed to go by really fast that it was the end of 331 BCE already.

I sat on my bed against the window, watching the Sun as it finally rose. Ever since Julian's mother had reprimanded me, I had to wake early when there wouldn't be an ounce of daylight in the sky.

Though it was tiring, it reminded me of my days when I would wake before dawn to study. Time travelling to this ancient city would've remained a dream if I didn't maintain a strict study plan.

Thinking of dreams, Julian was becoming a dream now.

When he had laid the treaty rules, I'd thought he would always be at nook and corner, keeping a hawk's eye on me if I made a mistake.

I couldn't be more wrong.

He was busy, rarely to be found in the palace. I had gone to his room three days straight to recite my writings, only to return when told he wasn't available.

I laughed, a humourless inkling to it. Was I so desperate to meet him? I should be glad he's keeping his distance. Which should be a bonus for my incognitoness of the job, but the truth was.

I missed him.

There wasn't a reason, but I still did, and it disturbed me.

If you feel someone's falling for you or vice versa, be prepared to get back to your century. Don't hesitate for a damn second. Remember, love is an attraction greater than the gravitational force which drives people mad.

I shook my head at the philosopher's thought, who was specially invited from Harvard to train us in several aspects.

No, I wasn't in love. It was a mere want to see him because I was not acquainted with anyone other than him. I shouldn't mix the concept of love and wanting to see someone. That'll surely push me to oblivion.

"Can I come in?" A faint voice called out from my doorstep.

I sighed, "I told you, Thalia, you don't need to ask when the door's open," I smiled, nodding when she didn't make a move. She was the same scared woman who had taken me to Julian's room for the first time.

"Aah, it's- it's just a habit," she hesitated, eyes so nervous to even look up to me.

"Here's the breakfast... It's been long since we returned from our morning prayers." She placed a plate which had something like tiny pancakes. "Why didn't you come to eat with us?"

By us, she meant Julian's mother and the concubine gang.

If you aren't a smarty like Cheryl, better be safe than sorry.

I lowered my voice. "They are scary, to be honest."

A tiny giggle escaped her, "Yes, they are. But I've got used to them."

"How come?" I bit into the teganites as a soft creamy filling coated my mouth. That was curdled milk and my recent fav food.

"I used to work as the concubines' helper before, His Honour appointed me to you..." her voice wavered again, her fingers fiddling with her linen.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her softly, and she looked up in hesitance. "You can share it with me," I prompted again. It's better if she's comfortable around me because she was the only approachable being here.

"H- His Honour, told me to be at your service, b- but I forgot when he was gone," she bit her lip, "A- And it was only this new moon I remembered, I had to be your helper," she was trembling by now, with her hands that had turned cold.

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