46. Making up to Armonia

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My heart was pounding it's way to an attack at that thought. I ran my hands down the face to release a shaky breath.

The last thing I'd thought was my eye colour to create a problem.

But the guard had told that Julian was looking into the matter. And judging by his skill to catch culprits, the truth will be out soon.

Also, as long as I'm in his palace, safe and sound, it shouldn't be a problem.

Assuring myself, I trudged down the stairs and reached the concubines little garden. I still had to find a way to make it up to Armonia.

There was no one except a small boy who was playing with his toys. As he heard my footsteps, he turned his little face to me, "Roseme!" he exclaimed, running away from his toys to clutch my leg.

I ran a hand through his soft brown hairs, "What are you doing alone, Leo?" I asked as he looked up, showing me his milk teeth. Leo was Dimitra's four-year-old son.

"Mama say she wu come, but no," he shook his face, gripping my robe in his tiny fists to look at the empty garden. I hugged him back.
Dimitra must've left when he was asleep, and now he came here with his toys, only to find no one.

"Roseme, wu you take me to mama?" he looked up to me again, making me smile. He couldn't pronounce Althea or Rosemary, so he had settled with calling this cute name.

"Why not, baby boy," I bent down to kiss his cheek, "Let's go," Holding his little hand, I led him to the end of the ground floor's corridor, from where it was split into several ways.

Choosing one of the broader lanes which were lined by red stone pillars, we walked down the hallway and stepped out into an open area.

This was an open field kitchen where large vessels burnt above clay stoves. They'd made it by digging a small pit where burning coals and woods were kept to assist with the fire.

Men and women worked under the afternoon sun, some cutting vegetables, others moving the mass of cooked food in the vessels. In the centre stood Dimitra, onlooking the work.

"Ah, yes, I left him sleeping," she laughed when Leo ran to her. "With these hot vessels around, it's dangerous for him," she rubbed his head, "He's always running around."

We talked some more and after she sent him to play in a safer area with the kids of the workers; I started hesitantly.

"There was a... something I needed to ask you," I fiddled with my linen.

She held my arms to face me, "I'm like an older sister, dear. Ask without a doubt," she smiled.

I eased a little, "Mistress Armonia is... upset from me, I guess," I sighed.

"And I know it's selfish of me to come now but..." I looked up to her, "I want to do something else too, other than just writing."

She listened patiently, moving her head in understanding, "First, don't feel bad about your work, hm," she placed a palm over my cheek.
"It's just that she is older than us and thinks we should follow, what she had to follow when she was young, no?" she smiled, "So you want to impress her, right?" she asked.

"Yes," I beamed.

When she asked, I explained what all I knew, "And I can cook too!" I added, then looked around the working people, "Can I... work here?" I asked hopefully.

She waved a hand, "Oh no, you don't need to work here. The kitchen in the palace would suit you, but... have you taken His Honour's permission?"

A shook my head, "It's mistress Armonia I need to impress, so it won't be a problem," I recalled what he'd said, "He told me even he couldn't help if she gets furious." She laughed at that.

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