Scene 8 - More Action

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General Henderson and Colonel Lake are arriving back at SHADO HQ next to Straker and Ayshea.


Ah, General Henderson, where have you been hiding? Canteen?


Straker, may I remind you that you and everyone supporting your precious SHADO is at stake! And if anything was to go wrong...


Yes, yes, I've heard it all Henderson. There's been some development on Swaid. I'll explain later. First, Colonel Lake, I want you to take a team with some SHADO Mobiles to Glen Carrick to investigate the area ready for tomorrow.


Yes Commander.

She then leaves.


Henderson, I want you to post a general alert to all the delegates to self-isolate immediately.


Now look Straker...


Henderson for once in your life you're going to listen and follow my instructions! Ronnie Swaid is dead! The unlocated Ufoe that landed next to Swaid's mansion in Epping. And last night the aliens did something to Swaid.

Henderson is furious, ready to implode in fury! His pig checks shaking lividly.

I think you'd better come back into my office. We don't want to create much of a scene.

He then leaves, and the mad General follows after him as Ayshea awkwardly looks to see him depart. For the third time, Straker and Henderson are back in the office, and the door sealed.


Oh, Straker. You really have dug yourself one big pit. And by the time I finish with you, the Commission and the delegates at the conference will finish you off for good.


There won't be a conference tomorrow if you don't shut up!

The General's eyes madly!

Now. As I was saying, James, the Ufoe last night did something to Swaid before it was destroyed by Sky One. And Swaid was in contact with Gaitskell today. Who knows what the aliens did to Swaid. Or what Swaid did to Gaitskell. Foster just went to collect Swaid and then he ran off the road and crashed into a tree. And then after he got out Swaid died horribly with his flesh and skin swelling and dying of... some horrendous disease. Or so we think.

Henderson calms slowly. Straker looks at him in a long pause.


So you're saying that the aliens may have infected Swaid. And would have easily passed it on to Gaitskell.


Yes. I've ordered Foster to return the body to SHADO. And sent Colonel Lake to Glen Carrick to investigate to ensure the land is safe.


Hmmm. Then I see what you mean. Then I will report to the UN. I will also have my own representative for tomorrow. Dylan Jackovick.



Straker opens the door to let Henderson out.


You're walking on eggshells today Straker. You better know what you're doing.

He then marches out. Straker waits for a moment. A few seconds later, he departs out back to the SHADO control room to Ayshea, as we see Henderson march out of SHADO's HQ.


Have Doctors Jackson and Shroeder standing by in the medical centre.


Yes Commander.

She displays a visual link of Dr. Jackson on the monitor.




We have another patient for you Jackson. He'll be arriving in a few hours. A different patient. A man we know who's been in contact with a U.F.O and died a few minutes ago. We think that the aliens could have infected him with some illness. Handle him with care.




And get me Skydiver 1.


Skydiver 1.


Waterman. I want you to patrol and fly over Glen Carrick. I've sent Lake and a team to investigate the area to double-check on security for the castle.


Roger Commander.


You're taking no chances Commander.


No I'm not.

He then returns to his office, with a terrible responsibility on his shoulders. In Skydiver, Waterman stands next to the shaft as he places on his helmet as the entrance reveals itself sliding to the right as Waterman then jumps down the shaft. The Captain is slid into Sky One as we see an exterior shot of Skydiver, as he prepares himself inside as the mighty craft lifts itself pointing towards the sky. He pulls down the black lever in front of him as Sky One blasts up. The bubbles in the water intensify as it bursts through heading into the sky. As Sky One changes to its horizontal flight with its engines still blasting powerfully.


En route to Glen Carrick Castle. ETA three minutes.


Roger Sky One.

Sky One is left to blast off into the clouds to head to Glen Carrick Castle...

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