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As the android spoke to Connor, I managed to slip into the Break Room. "Hey Gavin." Tina spoke, I jumped at hearing her voice. Tina chuckled, "You alright there, Gav?" I sighed and walked over to her, grabbing a donut. "Yeah, I just got this Android partner. He won't leave me the fuck alone." I saw Tina's eyes widen and her jaw drop. "You got an Android partner??" I scoffed, "yeah, he's so annoying. He thinks he knows what's best for me and shit." Tina's face went puzzled. "What?" I asked. "You said, "He"  I did? I hadn't realized. "Well, I-I um." I stammered. "Don't tell me...." She said, disappointed. "What!? No! I hate Androids, they just look human, I-I didn't realize I was ..was..saying "he" J-Jesus."  I stuttered. She sighed and walked out of the break room. 

The Android was standing at the entryway and I rolled my eyes at it. "Hello detective." I looked away from the tincan and took a bite out of the donut I have yet to eat. "You're eating more? After what you had just eaten?" It said. "Fuck off, I can do what I want. It's my body, my life. I get to choose what I want to do with it. Now leave me the fuck alone." The Android sighed and walked over to me.


I walked over to Gavin and took his donut from him. "The fuck!? I was eating that!" He yelled. I threw the donut in the trash and looked at him. "Does it look like I give a shit?" I asked. Gavin stammered, trying to find the right words but gave up and sighed. "Fuck you." He walked out of the room and I followed. Gavin sat down at his desk and I stood right next to him. "Don't you have something better to do than watch me like a fucking creep?" I smiled a little, "Don't you have something better to do than play Fortnite on your phone?" I mocked. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Go fuck yourself."

Analysing: "Go fuck yourself"
a) shut the fuck up
b) go the fuck away
c) go annoy the fuck out of someone else

"Detective?" I asked. "What!?" He yelled. "By telling me to go fuck myself, are you referring to
a) shut the fuck up
b) go the fuck away
c) go annoy the fuck out of someone else

There was a slight pause. "All of the above, Shut the fuck up, Go the fuck away, And go annoy the fuck out of someone else." He said, annoyed. "No" I said, grinning. Gavin stood up and put a finger on my chest, "You are a machine. You do as you're told. So obey!" I sighed. "Didn't we go through this already Detective?" I asked.

My grin faded from what he had said next.

"You are nothing but a useless pile of plastic and rubber. You are broken, you don't even obey one command. Not one! You should go back to CyberLife and be destroyed."

  ^Software Instability^

Those....those...words...they hurt.... How..? I.... "I see... I'll go back to CyberLife" I take a few steps back and turn. I pause and look at Gavin. "Goodbye, Gavin" I walk towards the front door, but hear footsteps behind me.


Fuck You - Reed900Where stories live. Discover now