Russian Roulette

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Vier discretion adviced everyone see's how weak I am. "F-Fine! Let me go! I-I'm...." I hesitated to even say the words. "I'm S-Sorry.." I clenched my eyes closed and felt everyone's eyes still on us. The Android let me go and I stood up straight and instantly ran to the men's bathroom. I went into a stall, reached into one of my pockets and pulled out a razorblade.

I rolled up my sleeves and cut then I until there wasn't any space left. I then pulled down my pants and did the same. I cleaned all the blood and pulled my pants up and rolled my sleeves back down. I flushed the toilet so if anyone was near, they'd think I was using the bathroom. I go out of the stall, look to see if anyone was in the bathroom and quickly turned the water on in the sink and cleaned the blood off my razorblade.

I wash my face and put the blade away. I walk out as if it was nothing. As soon as I walked back out to the precinct, everyone's eyes shot onto me. "The fuck you lookin' at!?" I yelled to everyone. "You, shit face" the dumpster said. I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't want him to pin me down again. I sighed and left the building. It wasn't time for me to go, but I had to clear my head. And what better way to clear my head then to get drunk as fuck.

When I got to the bar, I grabbed my wallet, got all the money out, and slammed the money on the counter. "Give me everything." The bartender hesitated but nodded his head. He gave me 20 bottles of different kinds of beer, whiskey, wine, tequila, all the good stuff. I had to take multiple trips to put them in the bags on the back of my motorcycle. As soon as I got all of them on the two bags, I got on my bike, and rode off.

When I got home I unlocked the door and opened it and closed it again with the two bags in one hand. I put them on the coffee table in front of the couch and sat down. I took no time at all to open a bottle.

A few hours later.

I was so fucking drunk. There was probably 3-5 bottles left and 2 that were half drunken.

I took my gun and emptied the gun, but left one bullet in the thing. I spinned it and shot myself.

No luck, I repeated this until I heard my door nob move. If it was a robber, he can shoot me dead, I didn't have much to live for anyway.


I open the door to Detective Reed's house. He had the gun to his head with...18 bottles!? 18 bottles of different kinds of beer on the floor. He shot himself, but the gun wasn't loaded thank God. "The phck!? Imma cheat." What did he mean by he's gonna chea- oh my God. Does Detective Reed have suicidal tendencies?

I saw him spin the wheel thingy slowly and closed it and pointed it to his head. He sighed and pointed it down to the ground and shot it. I blinked and the gunshot was so loud, I thought he had killed himself. "So you wanna shoot de floor but not me!? Well phck you gun!!" He threw the gun down. "Detective Reed, you shouldn't play Russian Roulette, it isn't good for your health.

"I know dipshit!! That's why I'm doing it!!" I sighed and walked over to him, grabbed his arm, he jerked back and held it. "Gah!! That fucking hurt Mr. Dumpster!!" I tilted my head and he rolled up his sleeves and he had cuts everywhere. My eyes widened and I got closer to him. "We are cleaning that up, Reed." He pushed me away, "nuh uh dipshit! I don't need no help from a trash can!"

Fuck You - Reed900Where stories live. Discover now