The Internship

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Stone was pleasantly surprised to find that he had been accepted for the internship. He was so very sure that some smarter, stronger and superior student would get it and then he would be stuck struggling to get by in the science field. He was also surprised he had got it, considering how feral some people were to get it. It was quite shocking to see what lengths a bunch of nerds would go through just to get the internship. About a week prior to the announcement of the winner, Stone had heard that apparently some girls got into such a vicious brawl over it that one girl had picked the other one up and slammed her into a wall and apparently she was still coughing up pieces of wall. Needless to say, it was a surprise that not only was he not six feet in the ground just for competing for it but also that he had managed to win it.

Professor Lennox had said that the first day of the internship would be at the library. She had been concerned that, because of what had happened near there, he would feel uncomfortable and perhaps maybe even on edge. Stone told her that while he appreciated the concern, he was more focused on making the most of the internship. So that's how Stone found himself outside of the library. 

Stone walked into the library. It was surprisingly deserted, the only other people in the room were Mabel the librarian and a darkly-clothed man. 

"Uh, hey there Mabel!" Stone said cheerfully. 

Mabel, who had been bending  underneath her desk to pick up something, perked up suddenly, bonking her head off her desk in the process. She stood up quickly, her hand massaging the place her head had collided with the table. Mabel was a short and stout woman. She had spent many years working in the library and she could recite the exact location of any book that somebody asked for, whether that be a book on the history of jam-making or whatever paranormal romance that thirteen year old girls were into, she could find it.

"Hello, Stone! How-ya been? Up for another scrabble game?" Mabel chirped.

"Oh so sorry Mabel, but I'm actually here for the intro to the science internship, I'd LOVE to play scrabble"

"That's no biggie! Good on ya for getting the internship, I've heard its tough! Hey! I just thought of something, today's yer intro-ship, eh?" Mabel chuckled slightly at her joke before spotting the slight bewilderment in Stone's face.

"Oh come on! "intro", "internship" bada bing bada boom "intro-nship"? Ah yer no fun. Anywho, that guy over there seems to be who yer partnered with, he seems like a fine bloke, comes here often, ye should get along fine! I'll be in the true crime section if ye need me!"


Stone walked over to the guy. Whoever it was, was facing the opposite way to him, and he seemed to have headphones or something in as all he could see was a brown head of hair bopping along to something. Whatever it was, it made sure that Stone could slip in to the chair beside him.


Stone had attempted to alert this guy that he wasn't alone. It was not successful.


Again, Stone tried to let this individual know that there was somebody there. It was about as successful as the titanic's journey across the Atlantic ocean.

Finally, summoning all the inner strength he could, Stone spoke again.


Startled, the guy teetered on his chair a bit before completely falling over. The guy angrily stood up, muttering indignantly to himself as he brushed dirt off his pants. Seemingly mentally conjuring together a string of insults. As he turned around, his eyes seemed to enlarge in a mixture of shock and horror.

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