Chapter 5: Deku

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Hey! It's time for chapter 5! Before you read this chapter, there are some things I feel like that need to be said:

- This chapter will be another POV chapter. We'll be told the story through Midoriya's eyes again just like in the prologue.

- This isn't the continuation of chapter 4. It's more like a 'what happened with Deku between chapter 1 to 4' chapter. I feel like I need to say this because some people who have trouble reading or piecing together time-jumping stories and I want to write a fanfic for everyone to understand properly.

- TRIGGER WARNING! This chapter will contain subject that are not easy to swallow and read through. If you are very squeamish about subjects like self-harm and suicide, this is your heads up.

Finally I just want to put emphasis on that last thing. This chapter is HEAVY. If it's to much, be sure to take a breather before continueing reading.
 Now that that's all said and done. Let's move onto chapter 5.

What happened? I was just so very tired... And since nothing was different, nothing changed after that day, I just gave up. After I met All Might, got my hopes and dreams shot down, flung into the air by that sludge villain and had a rampage in my room... Nothing changed. The same "normal" life. So I started thinking. What now, if I can't be a hero? Maybe I can become something else? Something to "help" the heroes? Maybe I could still enroll at UA but for the General Studies or the Support Classes. School... That needed to change first. After my that horrible day, I realised I had enough of it. Enough of him. I didn't go to that same old school after that anymore. Mom and I were able to get me into a new Junior Highschool. One without Kachan. And hopefully no bullies. But nothing really changed.

Things don't just happen. This quirk-filled world just has no place for someone without powers. So, naturally, everyone pushed me down. Blocking every path. Again... And again... And again.
"If I can't become a hero, maybe I can become someone to help the heroes instead." was my thought process. A hero coordinator? No, heroes won't take me seriously. Maybe an ordinary teacher? Hmm... Would students even respect me? Doubt it. Maybe a police officer or a detective? Or maybe a lawyer? A doctor to help the injured heroes! Those are normal jobs, right? But they all shot me down. 


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Something. SomeONE! I just wanted someone to say "Yes, you can." I tried to enroll at UA for their other courses too, but I never even got a response. So, eventually, I just... Gave up. Mom was worried. Well, yeah, duh. I didn't eat. I barely slept. I threw up so, so many times. And my skin became more and more pale as my body got thinner. My hands were so thin, they looked like old men hands. Pits became more visible on my cheeks too from all the not-eating. Mom was the only one that still cared for me. But even so, deep down I knew that she thought the exact same as the rest. This world has no place for someone as useless as me. Eventually, I stopped coming home right after school too. I started going to weird places and passed the time there. Places like rooftops. Just like when I met All Might. One day in particular was really bad. Bullies just didn't leave me alone all day at school. So I cried my aching heart out, but the pain never quenched.

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