Chapter 6: Final Boss

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Time for chapter 6! Hope you enjoy!

The three just stared at eachother. All Might and Bakugo looked on in disbelief. Izuku Midoriya really did become a villain. He really did murder that teacher. What has happened these past months. Bakugo started feeling unwell. He slowly started to hyperventilate too. Kirishima was quick to get to him.

Yo, Bakugo. You good? Do you know this guy?

Todoroki noticed Bakugo and All Might's fear too. But why?

All Might. Bakugo. Who is this kid? You clearly know him. What's his quirk?

Midoriya snorted and let out a laugh, arching his back with a hand on his forehead. He made the situation a bit awkward, leaving the students and All Might with an uneasy feeling.

What's my quirk? Hah! Of course, they wouldn't tell you. If it were me, I wouldn't tell my friends or the government either that this whole shit was because of them. Let me tell you, Shoto Todoroki. My name is Izuku Midoriya. After All Might shot down my dream and after years of enduring verbal and physical bullying from Kachan, I tried to take my own life. But I survived! And now I'm here. Standing in front of you. As a villain.

Bakugo couldn't believe what was going on or what he said. Tried to take his own life? And all because of him? I tried to make sense of the situation but struggled to breath.


Quirkless? Bullying?

Before anyone could respondor say anything, Shigaraki showed that he didn't care about this whole fight between two kids and the symbol that they're trying to kill. He let out a grunt and simply said "Nomu". That moment, the big monster with his brains sticking out began to move again. It hurled itself out of the warphole but by doing so he lost his arm and leg. Those were the parts that were frozen by Todoroki's ice. It got up on one leg and screeched towards the students.

How is that thing still moving? He's all messed up.

The monster broke and removed the ice and suddenly his arm and leg started regenerating. 

Stay back, everybody. What is this?I thought you told me his power is shock absorption!

I didn't say that was his only quirk. Nomu here has been modified to take you on even at 100 percent of your power. He's basically a highly efficient punching bag that just hits back.

The kids got into a stance to protect themselves from the Nomu.

First, let's ensure our method of escape.

Good call. Until now, only the grown ups had a change to try him out. But this isn't playtime. Let's get down to bussiness. Nomu. Get Kurogiri for me, will you?

Nomu suddenly hurled at Kurogiri, Bakugo and Kirishima. It all happened in the blink of an eye But All Might, as the pro that he is, was able to save the kids. He threw them meters back and blocked the Nomu's attack but in doing so, he himself got blown back too. Shock absorption, regeneration, superspeed and superstrength. What more power does this monster behold?

 What more power does this monster behold?

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