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Percy Jackson stared at the letter in front of him that took 30 minutes to decode. Apparently, he would return to Goode for his senior year. However, Drew and Lacy were children of Aphrodite in a different school and they needed protection since monsters would come after them and Drew was being stupid and she didn't learn how to defend herself properly so Chiron needed someone to help. Honestly, that was the only reason they gave lessons at Camp Half-Blood on how to fight. It's primarily for your good, the fact that it benefits others is just an added bonus. Although another reason was because they needed to keep an eye on Brooklyn.

"Hey Annabeth."

"Yes Percy?"

"Are we still going to go help Drew and Lacy?"

"No, Chiron got someone to cover that."

"Thank the gods. I didn't wanna be stuck with that-I mean I really wanted to go to Goode High this year." Percy quickly changed tactics when he noticed Annabeth give him a glare. Just then, Mrs. Jackson came in. 

"Hi mom."

"Hey Sally."

"Hi dears. Here." She gave them a plate full of blue cookies. Suddenly, the door burst open. 

"Stupid Solace saying I can't shadow travel or use any other magic and then Chiron just had to join in and tell me to go to school. Ugh."

Percy tried to hide a laugh. He noticed Nico put his key to the apartment in his pocket.

"Oh. Hello Mrs. Jackson."

"Hello Nico dear. I'd prefer if you didn't bang the door open and complain as soon as you enter."

"Sorry Mrs. Jackson." 

"And stop with the Mrs. Jackson. Just call me Sally dear."

"Okay Mrs. Ja- I mean Sally."

"Isn't he sweet? You should get a cookie before Percy finishes them all."

"Okay Mrs. Jackson."

"I told you it was Sally."

Percy smiled. After all the times his mom had tried to tell Nico to stop calling her Mrs. Jackson, he did no such thing. Probably a habit from the 1930's.

"Hey cuz."

"Hi Percy. Hi Annabeth." He plopped down and grabbed a cookie. 

"Hi Nico."

Percy looked over at him. He immediately noticed the changes.

"Looks like time has been treating you well."

"Did you not hear me complaining earlier?"

"That's not what I meant. Anyway, what did Chiron tell you earlier?"

"I had to go take care of the Aphrodite kids at this school called... what was it?" He pulled out a letter. "Right, it was Brooklyn Academy for the Gifted."

"Poor child."

"I heard you were first pick Jackson."


"It's kinda your fault."



Annabeth looked at him.

"You've only been to one school before, right?"

"Westover Hall in Maine. It was a military school. You were part of the extraction team."


Percy looked at them. 

"So, which grade are you going to?"

Nico looked. 

"I'll be taking a placement test. I most likely will end up as a senior since Drew is one."

"But you're 14."

"And?" He snatched the last cookie. Percy pouted.

"You've only been to one school."

"I learned."


"The dead, duh."

"But, you're not even that smart."

"Percy, I know more myths than you and more about Greek Mythology."

"That's only cause you were a geek at Mythmagic or whatever it was called."

"Mythomagic and it didn't have the legends with it."

"I survived more wars."

"I survived three. You survived two."

"What about the Labyrinth?"

"That was a battle."

"But then you also survived only two wars."

"I was there during World War 2, doofus."

"Right. I forgot."

"Anyway, Do you have extra school supplies?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I need to use them."


"Wait... really?"

"Yep. You're my brother. Why not."


Percy left. He came back with all the supplies.


"Thanks. I gotta go. Thanks for having me over Mrs. Jackson."

"I told you it was Sally."

Nico put up his hood and went out the door. He went into the car and told Jules-Albert to go to Camp Half-Blood. Might as well enjoy his free time before he goes to hell.


700 words. Hey everyone. I decided to delete my first story and rewrite this one. Part 2 will come out soon...

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