The Third Week

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Picture by Infinite City


The first week of school is done. Just a few more months and I can relax, Nico thought. (Oh you don't how wrong you are Nico. I have many more surprises planned for you in this series. A lot of them include school.) He looked at the time. It was 11:50. Ten minutes and he has to go to Will. At eight, he had to go to this girl called Marina's party. He groaned and got out of bed. He headed to the Big House and entered the infirmary. He sat down in a chair and pulled out his phone for the remaining ten minutes. At noon, Will came out of the room.

"Good, you're here. I thought I would have to drag you."

Nico just put away his phone and followed Will into the room. He sat down on the bed.

"Roll up your sleeve," Will said while opening a drawer. He pulled a few things out and put something down on the table. He turned to Nico and was holding an alcohol pad. He swiped it on Nico's arm and pulled out a syringe. He injected it and did that a few more times. It didn't hurt at all. By the time he injected the last one, it was 12:10.

"All done. You're free to go."

"Bye Solace."

"Bye Nico."

Nico went out the door and steeling his nerves, he knocked on the Aphrodite Cabin. Piper opened it.

"Hey Nico, what do you need?"

"A lot of things but from your cabin, I need Drew and Lacy."

"Alright," she turned her head. "Drew, Lacy, you have a visitor."

They came out of the cabin.

"When are we heading there?"

"We're going to the mansion at 5 and from there, we're heading to the party around 7:20." Drew answered. 

"Got it. Well, I'm off."

They waved to him as Nico headed to the arena. He slashed the dummies with his sword. 

"Instead of hurting those poor dummies the campers spent hours to make, why don't you go against a real opponent? Helps train you better and wastes less materials." A voice came from the entrance.

"Sure, Percy."

Percy came and quickly pulled out Riptide.

"It's how I got so good. Going against real opponents." He said as their swords clashed. Percy managed to force Nico back. He was stronger and bigger than Nico, but Nico was lighter and faster. That's why the sword wasn't the right weapon for him. It was too heavy. It didn't feel like an extension of his body. He went on defense. 

"Don't hold back Jackson."

"Fine cuz."

Percy went even faster. Nico had a really hard time keeping up. After a really long time, Percy managed to disarm him. His sword was on the ground and Percy's was at his neck. 

"Good job cuz. You nearly beat me."

"I don't think a sword is the right weapon for me."

"Nonsense. You're amazing with a sword."

"I guess... oh, it's already 4:20? I gotta go. Bye."


Nico went into his cabin and showered. He went to the hill at 4:55. Drew and Lacy came a minute later. 

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