A Real Date

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As soon as Delilah received Kassandra's message, she ran to where her parents sat on the couch watching television. They looked slightly startled by her sudden entrance but didn't get the chance to ask anything before Delilah spoke up. "Can I go to the fields to practice with Coach Banes? He says that he wants to help me with making my shots more accurate." Her parents gave her a suspicious look at first before deciding that she can go if it's just for soccer. "When are you leaving and when do you think you'll be done," her mother asked. "I'm leaving at twelve o'clock and I'll be back before dinner," Delilah responded quickly. Her parents seemed satisfied with her answer and asked if she wanted a ride. Delilah promptly declined saying that she would jog there for a warm-up before practice. Her parents nodded and turned their attention back to their show as Delilah excitedly made her way back to her room to decide what to wear.
Kassandra arrived at the fields around half past eleven. She quickly set out the fuzzy, star-covered blanket on the grass and began setting up for their picnic date. After a little while, Kassandra had finished and sat down on the blanket to wait for Delilah, but she didn't have to wait long. Kassandra saw Delilah approaching and ran over to greet her. Delilah saw Kass running over to her, an excited smile adorning her face, and she quickened her pace. They collided, crashing together and engulfing one another in a hug while laughing so hard it hurt. Kassandra grabbed Delilah's hand and led her over to where she had set up their picnic spot and sat down, prompting Delilah to do the same. Delilah looked around. It was the perfect day for a picnic. The wind was calm and the fresh air smelt so warm and relaxing. There were practically no clouds in the sky and the sun was casting a bright, warm light upon the land.
Delilah looked back to Kassandra, who was now holding out a small glass of bubbly, yellowish liquid to her. "Is that champagne," she asked after seeing the green, glass bottle sitting in their picnic basket. Kassandra laughed. "I'm flattered that you think I'm smart enough to somehow steal an entire bottle of champagne, but no, it's sparkling cider. Though, if you don't like cider, I also have a few bottles of water and Dr. Pepper if you would prefer one of those." Delilah smiled at her for being so considerate and grabbed the glass she was holding out to her. "Sparkling cider is fine, thank you, but I appreciate the sentiment." They both sat in silence for a while, just admiring the scenery, and occasionally each other, while sipping at their cider.
The silence was shortly broken by a growl from Kassandra's stomach. They both just laughed as Kassandra began unpacking the food. She had bought mini sandwiches and a container of assorted fruits including strawberries and apple slices. She also brought out a small container of chocolate dip for the fruit and a small bag of pretzels to balance out the sweetness of the fruit. Kassandra looked at Delilah after she finished setting everything out and gave a sheepish smile. "I wasn't sure what to get so I tried to get foods that most people like and would work at a picnic." Delilah just smiled and said, "It's great, you're worrying too much." Delilah gave Kassandra a small peck on the cheek and told her to loosen up before grabbing her sandwich and casually taking a bite as if nothing had happened. Kassandra eventually snapped out of her shocked state and began eating her portion as well. They spent the next few hours laughing and talking to each other until Delilah had to leave for dinner. They embraced each other in a tender hug before Kassandra pulled away to press a soft, quick kiss and turned to finish packing up her stuff. Delilah stood frozen for a moment before laughing softly and waving goodbye as she walked home.

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