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"I'm leaving you at Yoongi's house okay ? I just wanted you to not feeling alone at home," Namjoon said as he stops in front of Yoongi's house. Jin biting his lower lips as he looks at him.

"W-why do you hab two wurk ?" Jin said. He let out a small chuckles as he caress the hybrid's hair.

"If I don't, how are we going to live without money ?"

Jin stayed silence and nodded his head. He slowly headed out the car as he looked at Namjoon driving off the road. He headed towards the door as he knock it three times.

Hoseok appeared behind the door and give him a warm smile, he opened the door widely as he hugs him tightly. "Jinnieee," Jin flushed as he heard his nickname.

"You look better than before! Some of your fur slowly disappeared," Hoseok said as he looked at his arm. Jin gave him a little smile, he was happy that he is getting more better. He looked around the room, "Where's Yoongi ?"

"Ah.. Work, of course," Hoseok said as he slowly walked to the kitchen. He was limping while walking making Jin worried. "I-Ish there anything I c-can hwalp ?" He stuttered. Hoseok shakes his head as he entered the kitchen. The black hybrid also followed him behind.

Hoseok was pouring a glass of water inside the glass cup and hand it to Jin. He thanked him as he slowly swallowed the water. Hoseok smiled at him then patted his head.

"W-what happened to your l-lweg," Jin asked. 

"Jimin accidentally pushed me too hard.. But I don't blame him," Hoseok said. Jin perked his ears down, "Does it hurt a lot ?"

"Mhm, but nevermind it," He replied to the black hybrid. He hands him a plate with six chocolate buns. The hybrid got curious.

"Can you- can you help me get this for Jimin ?"

"J-Jimin ?"

Jimin ears perked up as he turned his head to the door. He ignored as he continue does his own thing.

"I-Ish me S-SeokJwin," The door swung open. The buns almost fell out the plate but luckily Jin balanced it. He looked at Jimin which his condition got worse. The black hybrid perked his ears down. Lots of fur got exposed on his neck and his leg which makes him worried.

"What you doing here ?" Jimin asked.

"O-oh Namjoon left me here because hwe need to w-work," Jin began to stuttered again. Jimin raised of his eyebrows and he let him in. Both of them sat on the floor, and Jin just placed the buns on the floor.

"Hoseok told me to give this to you," The black hybrid said. Jimin took a chocolate bun and nibbling it slowly. He hugs his knees while eating the bun as his tail started to swing slowly.

"W-what happened ?" He asked. Jimin looked at him and shake his head.

"Your lying," Jin said sternly. The another hybrid just looked at him.

"Nope, is nothing."

"Did you accidentally hurt Hoseok ?"

Jimin looked at him coldly. He sighed as he eat a whole chocolate bun.

"I didn't mean to, I-I don't know," He whispered. Jin perked his ears down again, he holds one of his hands and used his thumbs to stroked the fur. The cat hybrid looked at him.

"Are you jealous ?"

Ge suddenly scratched his arms, "I refused to answer that."

"D-do you need a hug ?" Jin said while spreading his arms wide. Jimin slowly approached him and hugged him. The black hybrid just rubs his back.

"Are you feeling hurt ?"

"I- I don't know.. I'm having mixed feelings," He hugged him tightly. Jin pats his back as he smiled a bit, "There there."

I'm sorry for a long update ;n;

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