Chapter 10: A Little Beach Trip

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Going to the beach has always been a summer thing for the Links. But this time, it was different. Spring was when they planned this trip. Moreover, the princess was also going with them.

They'd been talking on the phone (oh believe me, the first time was super awkward) and texting for quite some time, and finally they decided to meet up. This time, with all the Links and Zelda.

"I'm nervous!" Wild said, but his action didn't support his words.

He was beaming, radiating light and heat like some kind of lamp.

"Bro, you're bright." Toon said and shielded his eyes.

"I'm pretty sure you'd revert to your quiet and stoic nature when meeting the princess. I mean, you always do when you meet new people." Sky said to Wild without sparing him a glance.

The younger boy just shrugged.

"Maybe." he said.

"Right, so we're supposed to be there at 9 in the morning tomorrow. She's going to meet us there and bring her own things, so no need to worry about her." Twi told the others.

"Is everything ready? Snacks, water bottles, towels, fresh clothes, a ball, Toon's floatie, a… bucket and a small shovel? Who put this here?" Time said as he inspected the bag.

"Oh, you know who that is. No need to ask." Zelda told him and pointed at Wild while scratching Wolf's ear.

They shared a glance and Time sighed.

"Right. It was stupid of me."

"What kind of swimsuit will you be wearing, Zelda?" Sky asked.

Zelda gasped and pretended to be offended.

"Ew, back off, pervert!" she huffed playfully.

"Wait, I'm not asking that in the perverted way!" Sky said quickly.

"Well, I guess you just need to wait until tomorrow." Zelda replied with a quick wink.

"Yeah!" Sky said and pumped his fists.

"What's with the enthusiasm?" Toon asked him.

"Oh, nothing." Sky answered sweetly.

"Hm, is that so?" Twi eyed him suspiciously.

"I'm not being weird, I promise!" Sky backed off.

"I wonder what the princess will be wearing tomorrow." Time said thinkingly with his finger under his chin.

"Well, assuming that she's being a she instead of a he." Toon said.

"Who in the right mind would use a guy's physique when meeting five guys? I'd think normal girls would like to, how should we say it…" Twi said.

"Sell themselves more?" Wild suggested with an innocent face.

"Yeah, although that sounds like you're putting it the weird way."

"As I said, we should just wait for tomorrow to come, right?" Zelda suggested with a smile.

Tomorrow actually came, and Toon's hunch turned out to be true. Instead of the famed Princess Zelda, Sheik appeared with a pained expression on his face, a golden dog (or wolf) standing beside him. One surprising thing is that he was accompanied by this white haired Sheikah woman with a stern expression. She was carrying a large sword, which isn't scary at all. Note the sarcasm there.

Time and Twi waved at Sheik, one that he returned with a smile. Well, more like a grimace.

"So, these are your brothers?" he asked, gesturing to the others.

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