junkyu, jihoon, reader | trio

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"uwaaa" you dragged out. you plopped on the warm grass beneath you, junkyu and jihoon doing the same.

the three of you laid beside one another with the sunlight beating against your faces. you slowly turned your head to the other two next to you. all of you were still tired, panting out of breath. you turned your head back to its orginal position and laughed, raising your hand to shield it from the light.

you felt jihoon sit up to your left. "ya, funny that you're laughing considering how you were last place y/n. last place."

you lifted your free hand and slapped jihoon's arm. with no reaction whatsoever, we just glared at you. you hit him again.

"ya, what are you doing, uh?" this time you grab his arm and shake it, pulling om him until he falls back down. "junkyu-ya!! help me out!!" but the older boy to your right did nothing but laugh. you continued to push and pull jihoon as junkyu made his way to separate the two of you. your body eventually gave in, sore from laughing and tugging. once jihoon was free, the boy stood up and straightened out his uniform.

"y/n ah, you messed up my uniform!" jihoon said, throwing a fit. you stood up yourself and fixed your hair. junkyu followed, observing his surroundings.

"it got messier when we ran than when i hit you." you retorted. "and shut up or else i'm not buying you lunch." you said, walking back into the school.

"come on y/n you wouldn't do that to me~" jihoon whined.

you turned around with a smirk on your face. "would you like to see me try, park jihoon?" you cooed before continuing down the path to the cafeteria.

"waaa, nice job park jihoon!" junkyu cheered sarcastically before running after you, laughing hysterically.

you fastened your pace which gradually turned into a run instead of a walk. you smiled to yourself as you made your way down the halls. jihoon and junkyu are your bestfriends. it's been that way since the start of highschool, when you all had nothing but each other. this is what the friendship has come to; racing to the school field to decide who buys lunch that day. you hated this game since you were shorter and not to mention, super slow compared to the others. it usually ended in you having to treat the two to lunch, the same way it did today.

you stopped at the entrance of the cafteria, crouching down to catch your breath. it's been a tiring day. you slowly get up but you're knocked down. it leaves you lying on your side on the cold floor. you groan in pain as you rush to stand up. as you regain your balance, your eyes avert to a figure in front of you. kang minso.

minso laughed, pointing her finger at you as she caused a seen. "well if it isn't y/n~" she dragged out. she took a step closer. "running again aren't you? from your little friends?" she took another step.

your fists begin to clench, anger running through you. it became evident in your face. you opened your mouth to speak but she cut you off.

"i'm surprised they haven't ran away from you yet." she smirked as the girls behind her snickered and giggled.

you've had enough. you push towards her, raising your right hand. "ya, kang-"

"kang minso"

you felt a grip on your wrist. you glance to your side to see junkyu looking back at you, with a firm hold on your wrist. on the other side, jihoon pats your back before advancing to minso.

"kang minso" he repeated. "what brings you to bother our y/n?" he taunted, leaning closer to her.

minso scoffed. "your y/n? what is this park jihoon, some tv drama?" the group behind her giggled again, bringing a smile to minso's face. "such a pity how you two are hanging out with someone as pathetic as her." she says while staring at you. she looks back at jihoon before she continues. "you could do better."

jihoon rolls his eyes. "and you know better than to say those things in fromt of a crowd." his gaze landed on the people behind her. they gasped, beginning to backup. minso's mouth hung open as she stared at jihoon in disbelief. he made a kissy face, causing minso to let out a heavy breath while crossing her arms and turning to reenter the cafeteria.

jihoon laughed as he walked back to you and junkyu. junkyu released his grip on your wrist and placed his arm around our shoulders instead, slightly leaning on you.

"ya kim junkyu you're heavy" you complain. the taller ignores you and keeps his position. you squirm, trying to get out from under his arm. junkyu winks at the girls blocking the doors of the cafeteria, making them exclaim in awe.

"shut it!" minso threatened. everyone filed back into the huge room, whisering.

"kim junkyu is so cute!"

"jihoon's kinda hot when he's mad."

"what i would do to be junkyu."

junkyu turns you and him around with jihoon trailing behind. he makes his way to your side.

"i hate minso" you admit for the nth time.

"we know" junkyu and jihoon replied, each earning a slap from you.

"waaa, after all i did for you back there this is how you treat me?" jihoon said.

"if you still want lunch i suggest that you don't say anything." you shot back.

"ya, y/n." junkyu pointed out how you guys were headed in the direction opposite of the cafeteria.

"i know" you said. "let's go off campus for lunch today."

"daebak, you're the best y/n!!" junkyu screamed while hugging you tight. you hit his back so he knows to let you go.

"you're buying right?" jihoon asks. you push your hair behind your ears as a smirk made its way to your face. jihoon and junkyu's eyes widened at you, knowing that your new idea was troublesome.

"not unless i beat you there." you winked before sprinting around the school.

"y/n!" jihoon called, running right after.

"ya y/n!" junkyu whined, having been the last one to start.

a/n: i'm running out of ideas so i apologize if all of them are bestf based. i have a soft spot for bestf povs ahaha. also i was reading through my old chapters and i found the jihoon one and i was thinking of turning it into a whole nother book 😳😳
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