doyoung | confession

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doyoung x reader imagine

its the last day of freshman year. you and your friends decide on what to do after school to celebrate.

"y/n ah!! let's go to the park after eating out!"

"ah i'm not sure. im pretty tired and i plan to finally get some sleep."

"doyoung's coming."

you immediately sit up after hearing his name. you stutter, trying to remain calm.


"mhm. gee y/n you're turninng really red. are you okay?"

your friend hana puts her hand up to your forehead to 'check' your temperature. you push her hand away and shake your head.

"its okay. i'm fine."

she looks at you up and down before shrugging.

"mmm okay. so are you coming or not?"

"u-uh,, i'll come"

"yes!! guys y/n said she's coming!!"

she turned to the rest of your group and you let out a sigh of relief.

you've liked doyoung for quite a while now. you would love to spend time with him. the only problem is that you're an awkward person. you can't act like how you normally do ; you tend to stutter a lot and you always look at the ground to avoid eye contact.

you mentally face palm yourself and you cringe at the thought. you place your head on your arms on the table.

"ugh what am i going to do? y/n you're so stupid."

you hear your classmates squeal. your curiosity leads you to look up. another girl let out a faint scream.

"b-bang y-yedam."

you turn your head to the door. the sight causes your jaw to drop. bang yedam. one of the best singers and composers in your class. but he's not alone. yedam entered the class, followed by doyoung. hana waves her hand at them and they begin walking your way.

oh my oh my oh my this is not happening,,  you tell yourself.

you open your notebook and pretend to be writing something. yedam playfully pushes doyoung and he ends up using your desk to stabalize himself. you look up from your notebook and find yourself face to face with him. both of your faces turn pink. the moment was ruined when yedam began laughing.


do young stands up straight and hits yedam's arm, earning an 'ow' from the older. his face was now red.


"i'm sorry!! it's just really cute!"

you cover your face with your hands in attempt to cover your laugh. you failed.


they all looked at you. you stopped laughing. there was a sudden awkwardness. you began to feel bad for laughing. without hesitation, you stood up and walked to the door. you looked back at them.

"i'll be back."

you walk down the hallway not knowing where to go. the only reason you left was to avoid them. especially doyoung. you lean against a random locker and play with your hands while looking at the ground.

ugh why did i even laugh? now he'll think of me differently. gosh y/n,, you tell yourself.


you look up to find doyoung in front of you, a worried look on his face. he opened his arms. you looked at him confused.

"you look like you need a hug."

you giggle and accept the hug.

"y/n i have something to tell you."

"me too. you first."

"i- ha this is going to be really cheesy but uh, i like you."

you pinch his cheeks and smile at him.

"right back at you."

a/n oof this was really cheesy but it took me forever so yeet

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