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"Now let the pairing commence" the major exclaimed joyously and every single soul sitting in the audience quickly leapt out of their chairs, wanting to meet their fated love as soon as possible. I didn't feel the need for such a rush, so I let everybody around me stand up and scurry around like a kid on a sugar rush, whilst I simply looked around at all the humans already socialising with each other...

The major told us that the connection would come naturally, but at the time I couldn't find it in me to feel such a thing, maybe it was just nerves haunting me, but I had to look around for over an hour, not that I was the only one left by that point.

But then I saw them.

Maybe the reason as to why I hadn't found the feature love of my life was because of the simple fact that I had been looking for the wrong type of person.

My fated love was a tall male. Not that gender mattered to me, to some it was a huge deal, but most just went along with it, as did my sister when I heard she met her fated love, a seemingly nice girl, I'd never actually met my sister's pairing in person, as every kid was no longer allowed to make any physical contact or be in the same physical space as any of their previous family members, for safety reasons according to the event's protocol.

Either way, the male my eyes got fixated on was perfect, at least in my eyes. He had coloured electric blue hair, from what I could see from my spot so far away, he had dark brown eyes, clad in stylish clothing that looked to be quite expensive... what made my mouth turn downwards in almost an instant was his honey skinned hands which were hocked underneath a girl's bum, her body clinging to his happily.

She was beautiful... there was no denying that, but why was she practically on top of my soulmate? Her limbs were wrapped around his body, hands entangled in those shockingly bright locks that fell effortlessly off of his tan head. I hesitantly took a step towards them, and as if a deer in headlights, I stopped in my tracks, frozen by the fact that I saw his dark eyes piercingly staring at me from the other side of the room. By that point there were maybe only a handful of people left and I could see a guy weighing on his feet in another corner... he was glancing to the girl awkwardly, which was enough to tell me that there hadn't been any sort of mistake made, the girl was without a doubt that guy's pairing, and the tall blue headed person was mine, but they had chosen to ignore the signals and went with each other.

I took another quick look to the embarrassed male in the corner. He saw me too, but without a second's notice, he was suddenly out the door and on his way from the establishment... whilst I just stood in my spot... what was I supposed to do?

The one... the person whom I was supposed to live happily ever after with, the person who's entire life would be treasured by me, and likewise mine by him, was ignoring my entire presence... or well, that was in fact a lie. He wasn't fully ignoring me, he was sure to send me a few spiteful glares every now and again, as if to say "Don't come near me" or "Don't utter a word, we aren't meant to be"... and all I could do was stand there, alone.

When the odd couple was just about to leave I felt the urge to go after them. I rushed behind them in their tracks, my eyes fixated on one person and one person only, albeit he had his back turned towards me.

"What am I supposed to do now?" was all I could manage to say and I saw how they stopped in their movements, but neither made any indication to turn around to face me.

"I don't know, but don't bother me or my girlfriend ever again"

That was the first time I ever heard the supposed love of my life's voice, although nothing good came out of his mouth, all I could really think about was the deep sound that it held, the way his tone flowed so flawlessly into the air... then his back continued getting further and further away, his figure soon becoming only a silhouette and then a blurry grey spot in the distance.

That was the best day of my life.

The best day of my life, when I met my true pairing who I was to love and treasure for the rest of eternity, the one I was supposed to share a house with, maybe have kids, the one I was supposed to rely on and show my true emotions to.

It was the happiest day of my life, up until that point.

That was when it turned into the worst day of my entire childhood, the one memory that was always present in the back of my head.

Whenever I'd do something, grab a cup of coffee, read a book, go on a job interview, that would be the only thing that kept repeating itself within my head, and it would be doing so for the rest of my life. I might at some point, when I was at least the tiniest bit happy, have thought that, no, I think I'll actually be able to live a normal and rather cheerful life... but then his bright hair would pop into my head again, make itself present in my mind, as if the mere thought of him was enough to make me live a miserable life... and it did.


Later that same day, I actually did call my mom.

Just like that morning I had a big bold smile on my lips, as I sat on the bed, in the hotel room I had rented for the coming week.

I had greeted her happily and I could easily hear the relief in her voice.

"I'm so happy that you found your pairing, how are they? Nice? Not a troublemaker I hope?" she questioned and I had chuckled at her words.

"No mom, he's perfect, truly, his hair is electric blue you know, it was really easy to spot him" I had told her and she let out a breath of relief, her voice, although happy in the moment, showcased evidence of her having cried prior to the phone call, as her throat sounded a bit raspy.

"Could I speak to him? I'd love to hear his voice" she tried, but I had whined at her childishly, like I used to before, when she asked me embarrassing things.

"Mama... that's awkward, and he's in the shower now too" I commented and I heard her giggle at my reaction. That was a good sign, it meant that she'd be able to get over her last child leaving, she'd be able to live her picture perfect life with dad, just like she was supposed to.


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