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I can't afford to let Melissa mess this up when it was her who insisted it is the most original and thoughtful gift anyone would think of buying their childhood friend on their big day. The night I slept over a week ago, we went over Google results and we wrote down most of the suggestions.

Once done, we began crossing off one by one. We dismissed some like kitchenware because we were certain Jayne already had them or would receive from another guest.
Others like a refrigerator or a sophisticated Nikon camera were too expensive and after three hours, I got bored and told Melissa that the cash would be our solution.

She said I was crazy to consider that because it is rude and only lazy and insensitive people resort to cash as the easiest alternative. She insisted an actual gift would show your taste and how well you know the couple. Or at least the bride.

“Do you think we could find the bathroom, rip this thing off, get the fucking card and dump it in the nearest dustbin?  Melissa suggests.

I bite my bottom lip, my patience wearing off. " I can't wrap it back the way it's supposed to be and we don't have much time to get to a shop.”

“We could ask one of the caterers. Surely they must know a thing or two about stitching up things using a butcher knife and sell tape,” Melissa says gesturing at the waiter two feet away who is collecting empty soda bottles and putting them in a crate.

“Assuming we succeed in implementing this dumb plan of yours, don't you think Jayne will still tell its from us? She knows her childhood friends perfectly well to assume only us would buy something as ridiculous as this," I attempt to reason with her. "We don't have to go through all that trouble since it wont make a difference. The only option is to withhold it."

"You are right," Melissa admits. "On the other hand, it would be totally selfish of us not show up with a gift. It's not an option."

“Yes. Now lets get this done with. "

I rise from the seat and smoothen my dress. Melissa is still not convinced and before she changes her mind and summons the waiter, I pull the damn box from under my seat and stalk off not stopping to see if she is following me. I join the now short queue and hold the box against my chest securely. When it's my turn, I hug Jayne and Eric.

"Thank you," Jayne says as she takes the box. "Your dress is expertly made."

"Oh, this old thing?" I joke and twirl in my floor length, strapless kitenge.

“Get your tailor to make me one too for my honeymoon," Jayne replies approvingly looking me up and down.

“Bitch, enough with the jealousy. It's not cute especially since you don't even know where you are going," I jokingly protest and turn to Eric.

"Good to see you, Salina," Eric says and smiles. "How have you been?"

I clear my throat just as Melissa throw her arms wildly in the air and crushes Jayne in a big hug. I stifle a laugh. "Busy, honestly. But I am glad I cleared my schedule in time to witness your beautiful moment. Congratulations."

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