Chapter 4

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"Gabe, please let me. C'mon."
Alexis pushes me to let her come with me to drop me off.
I open my car trunk and start putting all my bags one after another.
"Alex, I swear I got it. I'll be fine. Really."
She just looks at me with pleading eyes.
"It's useless. You'll come there for what? Just to wave me goodbye for one last time? And then get back here? If it was few hours, then it was okay. But it's 12 damn hours."
"And that's why I wanna come. I'm.. just.. worried okay?"
I smile at my loving sister. "Hey. I'm not that helpless, stupid kid anymore. I can handle anything thrown at me." I say with big smile so I can convince her.

She doesn't look convinced though but she agrees and asks me to call the minute I need any help. And to keep my phone on all the time and so many other things.
I agree on everything she tells me to and then load my last duffle bag in trunk of my car. I hug both her and Carla.

Surprisingly Carla has accepted me and been really nice to me. We even bonded a little bit in this short span of time.

Alexis holds me for a while and then kisses my head and tells me how she's proud of me.
"I'd have preferred if you didn't choose to go this far." She gives me a weird look but it's gone in a second.
"But since it's what you really want.."
"Yeah I really do." I say.
I say my goodbyes and drive off.

I could've chosen to reach faster and take flight but I want to save as much money as I can. I also like bus rides so I don't mind this at all.

After dropping my car at 'Joe's transportation services', I take a cab and reach bus station. I check my phone and I'm 20 minutes early.
I go to the nearby 7-Eleven and grab some snacks, a bottle of soda and some gum.

By the time all passengers' luggage is loaded, everyone goes to their seats.
I open the window beside me and let the cool air hit my face.
I plug my earphones in and press play on my phone.
'Screen' plays and calms my nerves.

• • •

I had to change bus from Chicago.
Took lunch from a small nearby restaurant.
As Michigan comes closer and closer, I start to feel more and more nervous. But now there's no going back and I know I want this.

• • •

I finally reach there by the time it's 7 in the evening.
Bus comes to a stop and slowly everyone gets off and takes their luggage and leaves.

I wait for a cab while sitting on one of the bus stops. Foot tapping impatiently on the concrete path underneath me.
What if no cab stops for me?
What if I don't get there on time?
What if I'm late and they give my room to someone else?

All these thoughts clouds my mind. Then in few minutes I see a cab coming, I get up quickly and wave to get their attention.
It comes to a halt, I let them know my address, once again load my luggage in trunk and take off.
Okay, now I'm safe. I at least got the cab.
Now I just have to go and check in for my room.

I had to file a personal request for a separate room beforehand, since I get nightmares and occasional panic attacks. Thankfully they agreed and grant my request.

I get there in 20 minutes, the man helps me with my luggage. I thank him and hand him the fair.

I stand there outside and look at my dorm building.
This is where I will be staying for.. sometime now.
Hopefully it will be a good time.

Anxiously I go to the office and get my keys and head to my room.
In the hallways I see a girl with specs and her brown hair in a messy bun.
She has a fair skin and a petit body.
She has a bottle in her hands so I figure she went for a refill I guess?

She looks at me and smiles a little. "That looks heavy. Here let me."
She grabs one of my small duffle bags and offers to open my door for me when we find my room.
"Hey, thanks a lot. I'm Gabrielle."
"Rose. My room in right there. 307." And points to a door on the opposite side.
She helps me with the rest of my bags.
"You can come join us if you want to later tonight."
"Oh thanks a lot. But I'll pass for tonight. Had a long day and I'm exhausted. Tomorrow I guess?"
"Sure. Later." She smiles and goes back to her room.

Rose. Hopefully I can make few good friends here. She'd be my first friend I guess.

I turn to my room, close the door behind me. It's empty.
Of course it would be empty, you idiot.
I was worried about nothing.

Bare beige walls and white ceiling.
On the walls there are few almost unnoticeable tape marks, from sticking posters I'd guess.
One decent sized window on the opposite side of the wall.
In the corner, there's an empty bunk bed with bare mattresses and two white pillows.
Good thing I decided to bring my own bed sheets and pillow cases.
On the opposite wall, there's a wooden study table. And beside which there's a door that leads to a small closet.
Right beside me on my right, there's a cupboard.

I feel a lot relaxed now, I put all my luggage beside the table and open the windows, letting the fresh air in.
It's almost 9 now.
I get my toiletries and night pajama out.
It takes me few minutes to get freshened up and then I sit on bed with my packaged meal.

By the time I'm done with my dinner, I make sure my door is locked and windows are secured and go back to bed.

I make a mental note of the things I have to do tomorrow.
My car will be here by noon, so till it gets here I can't go anywhere. I can unpack my stuff and make list of all the things I need till then.

I'm absolutely exhausted from traveling but I can't sleep. I turn and check time in my phone.
10:14 pm

New message received:

Hey there. 'Sup?
First weekend after so long
with my siblings.
Totally didn't miss them.

I will have to come up with some reasoning.
I think about something for a minute..

It's a BBQ tonight.
Sorry didn't have
a chance to check phone.
We're having blast here.
Man I missed this.

He replies in few minutes..

Oh that's cool.
Wish I could be there ;)

Oh God he's flirting. Is he? I guess..?
How is a girl who is posing as a girl who is interested in him should respond to this?
What do I do? What do i say?
So I just..

Honestly, sounds more fun ;)

At this rate, I don't know if he will like me or not. I know I need to talk to him more often so he gets the idea that I'm into him but, I guess not tonight.
I type another message saying I need to go back and put my phone aside and try to sleep.


Hey dear readers,
Annnnnd I'm back with another chapter. Hope you're enjoying so far.

And congratulations to all of us on reaching 100+ reads!

Please let me know if you like it. I desperately want to know what you think about my story.

And if you like it, please don't forget to tap on that little star ;)

Until next time :)

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