Chapter 2

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It usually doesn't take me long till I get used to new things. But this is different even though dad wasn't there for us much. I'm still trying to get used to his absence. It's only been few days but it seems like it was just yesterday. Hopefully distracting myself with my new life will work.

I try not to think too much about it and help my sister with the breakfast. She sure is trying to uplift my mood with my favourite garlic bread.
"Let's fill our bellies and get the needed fuel. Yeah? We still have some work to do."

We are mostly done with shifting, but some things are yet to be taken care of. Change of address, my change of custody, finding buyers for the stuff we don't need anymore from that house. We aren't yet sure if we wanna sell the house or not.
It's gonna be a tiring day.
I also need to talk to Mr. Paul about me quitting next month since I'll be going to university. I need to start working as many shifts I can to earn as much money I can.

And also need to start looking for new job in Michigan. I wouldn't want to rely on Alexis anymore. She already works 3 jobs since therapy and meds are costly.

"I'll try to get early today. I like having dinner with you guys. I'm tired of eating alone." Carla tries to smile at me.
I know she's trying to accept me. And trying to accept that it wasn't my fault for her misery. I'm thankful. I really am.
After what happened in car that day, she probably had change of mind. Or maybe Alexis talked to her and told her I'm the most miserable out of all and so she finally pitied me?
Whatever the reason, I'm thankful. For a roof over my head and for warm food in my plate. And for them being understanding.

"Mmmm." a little moan leaves my mouth.
"Tasty right?" Alexis feels proud and happy when someone likes what she prepares.
She has this goofy smile on her face, it makes me feel happy too. She's really good at hiding her pain and I can figure out just fine when she's faking it. And this time, she isn't.

"Can I get a refill?"
"Coming right up." And she dumps another garlic bread on my plate.

We sat there having our breakfast and talking about our plans. Carla sharing her last night's experience at local hospital she works in. Alexis passing even funnier comments on the funny incident Carla just told. Me just listening in and savouring this moment and tasty food in front of me.

This feels good. Having breakfast with my sister and her mother. It's not perfect but it's good enough. It feels.. normal. I need to take in as much as I can before I leave.

"Oh yeah Gabrielle, you'll be going to college from next month right? Which one is it?" Carla asks.

I try to chew faster, "Michigan Stage University."
Carla just looks at me confused and then turns to Alexis.
"Don't ask me. I'm just as much confused." Alexis shrugs.
"That's a bit too far. We have good universities here in Minnesota. Even around Minnesota." Carla sounds genuine.
"Well it's just better than all the ones I know of. For my choice of subjects." I try to convince them.

Alexis doesn't exactly approve of me going too far away from her but she's happy for me that I got accepted and got such a big opportunity.

"I'll be fine if you're worried about me. I'll try to visit too."
"You better."

Carla leaves for her shift and we start cleaning plates and then leave for our work.

• • •

All this legal work is bit tiring but it sure took my mind off of dad. Sometimes the memories would sneakily get in but Alexis made sure I wouldn't dwell too much on it.

Day passed by and now we sit yet again around our little dining table and enjoy our meal.
"You'll need a car." Alexis says out of nowhere.
"You'll need a car. There's no way I will let you travel in bus. And knowing you, you'd rather walk a hundred miles than ask someone for lift. And that too I don't approve of by the way."
I sigh and say "Yeah I know. I'll look for cars when I get there. It's no big deal."

More and more expenses each day. I see why people hate adulting.

We eat our rest of the meal in comfortable silence. I hope I don't get too used to it.

• • •

I go to my room after helping Alexis cleaning. I turn my laptop on and log into my Facebook account. I search for a specific person which I have been for past few years.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm in no way infatuated with this person. If anything, I want to hurt him. Badly.
In more ways than anyone can imagine.
In more ways than he had when I was 11.

I'm merely doing my research and getting to know more about him and people close to him.

While I'm checking if  he had posted anything new on any social platform, I hear a 'ding' on my phone.

New message received:
I unlock my phone and open it and as expected it's from Nick.

Hey. Still up?
I kinda feel bad for the guy. But it had to be done.

Hey. Just about to head out for club.
It's girls' night out today ;)

I've been posing as a 20 year old girl from Sydney. It's been few weeks now and I hope I'll be able to make him have feelings for me. It's just a part of my plan.

After a minute I receive a new one.
Oh, that's great.
Be safe :)

I really feel bad.

I will. Thanks :)
Okay GTG now.

I'm just thankful he hasn't asked for my picture or anything yet.  I don't know if I could come up with any excuse as to why I don't want him to know about who I really am.

I do a little more research and then feel sleepy. It's been a long day afterall.
I go to bed feeling a little guilty but then I tell myself why I do it.
It makes me feel a little less guilty.

I take my night medications and before I know it, I fall into a deep slumber.


Hey dear readers,
I know this one's even shorter than the last one. And also not too interesting or spicy one. But I need to build a storyline. So bear with me.
Trust me it gets better.

And who do you think this Nick guy is?

If you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote :)
Thanks again for reading.

Until next time :)

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