Am I interrupting?

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Lindsey spent a few minutes on the phone talking to one of his very few friends, who invited him to go out and have a fun Friday night, but Lindsey thanked and said he didn‘t want to. All evenings were the same. No matter how big the house was, it was always dark and only the studio lights were on. That was Lindsey‘s safe place, he could be himself in there, his hiding place from the world.

With his guitar in his lap, Lindsey was working on a song. It seemed crazy, how almost 40 years ago he was in the same place, writing songs of a broken heart to the woman he loved the most. Now though, it wasn‘t all lost just yet. The first and last night he visited Stevie, certainly gave his hopes a huge boost.

Lindsey stopped playing and listened whether he really heard the door bell ring. He wasn't expecting anyone and nobody really came to visit anyway. When he and Stevie lived together, it were always her friends coming over or them going out to meet up with her friends. Lindsey could only open up to either John or Mick, both men he knew for a very long time. Of course, not without some bumps in the way, but they gained his trust and respect and got to see a very different kind of Lindsey.

The bell was pressed by someone outside again and he hurried to open the door. “Alice?“ He couldn‘t hide his surprise.

“Hey, dad... am I interrupting?“

“No. No, don‘t be silly!“ He smiled brightly at her and opened the door wider to let her come in. He noticed she wasn't very comfortable with it being just the two of them. He asked her to come to the living room and she did, taking a seat. “What can I offer you?“

“Nothing, I‘m good."

"Alright." Lindsey sat down next to her, leaving some space, not because he didn't want to be close to his daughter, but mostly because she probably didn't want him close to her. "How you've been, Alice? I haven't seen you for a couple of weeks."

"Good, I... You know, I'm really busy at the moment with the wedding and all."

"I'm shocked your mother lets you plan it, I was sure she was going to ask you to take a seat and she was going to do it herself." They laughed at it and Alice started feeling a little easier.

"She would have loved that, but she's so into her interviews and photo shoots, and the rest of the nonsense that comes with releasing an album."

"Yeah, sounds like her. Anyway, while I'm very happy you're here, there must be something you wanted or...?"

"You're right. I came here to talk to you about something, well, to ask.“ Alice corrected herself, again, feeling unsure.

“Yeah? What is it?“

“I know we don‘t always see eye to eye and I‘m a bit of a brat towards you sometimes, most of the time, but... You‘re my father and believe it or not, I do love you. My wedding is approaching and um... I would be happy not to have to walk towards my future husband on my own.“

Lindsey's eyes widened, he was hoping he understood her correctly. “Are you asking me...“

“Yes, I want you to walk me down the aisle, dad.“

“Oh my god, Alice... Of course! I thought you weren‘t going to, I doubted you even want me there!“

“That‘s ridiculous and I absolutely want you there next to mom, while she‘s being an emotional wreck, I won't be able to get married and comfort her at the same time.“

“Thank you.“ He tried not to show it, but he was getting a little emotional himself.

“You don‘t need to.“ Alice hugged her father and they stayed close for a moment. Lindsey cherished every second of it. “And... that's not all actually.“

“There's more?“

“Please, don‘t make any assumptions, ok? You know, I love Jeremy and that‘s really the reason why I‘m marrying him, but... About two weeks ago I found out something.“

“I hope everything is fine?“

“Yes, more than fine.“ Alice couldn‘t hide her smile. “You and mom... You two are going to become grandparents to a perfect little baby in spring.“

Lindsey‘s jaw dropped to the floor. “Excuse me?“

“Dad, Jeremy and I are expecting a baby.“

“Are you trying to give me a heart attack today?“ He embraced Alice tightly and she chuckled at his reaction. “This is beyond amazing! Congratulations!“

“Thanks. Mom nearly fainted when I told her.“

“That is to be expected.“ Lindsey laughed, wishing he could have been there too. "My god... You made me so happy. I'm really proud of you, Alice. You're such a wonderful, bright young woman. I will never stop hating myself for not being there."

"I was talking to mom about this the other day and I'm beginning to see that I've always blamed you mostly because what an ass you were to her most of the time."

"I'll let it slide." He laughed at the word she used to describe him. "Even though you're right."

"This probably doesn't make much sense, but because you were hurting her, you were hurting me. She's the most precious person, I hated you for not treating her like one."

"Alice, I know. I understand what you mean completely, but I have been trying to change, not enough apparently, because I'm still living alone in this house after over a year long ongoing break from your mother, but..."

"She's not entirely guiltless, she's always loved her freedom, but she forgets sometimes, that's a little harder when you're married to someone."

"You're right on that. The whole time we've known each other, she kept telling me I'm suffocating her."

"That's just how she is." Alice shrugged. "She's got her faults as well as you do, but no matter what, never doubt that she loves you."

"And I love her."

"I know." She smiled, giving his hand a squeeze. "You two better work this out, ok? I don't want my baby to ever see that horrid apartment mom's living in."

"You're having a baby!"

Alice chuckled and nodded eagerly. "Yes and I'm overjoyed!"

"You deserve all the happiness in the world, sweetheart."

She smiled and gave him a hug. "I love you, dad."

It took him a moment before he could talk, otherwise he would have choked up on his words. "I love you too, Alice."

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