You're really here

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As soon as Emily left, Stevie ran up the stairs to change quickly and to let Alice know she was leaving. She was asked questions, but she had no time to answer them now. She was very impatient the whole drive and when the car she had called stopped, she jumped out and ran to the door. She found it unlocked. There were no lights, it seemed like nobody was home at all. Stevie walked from one room to another, finally finding Lindsey in the studio, playing the all too familiar melody titled after her. 

She stood where he couldn't see her. She spent a moment watching him play with his eyes shut tight, he was unmistakably crying. There was a bottle of what she guessed to be whiskey next to him, his clothes were dirty, his curls unruly. She wiped her own tears after Lindsey had played the song twice more without noticing her and called his name. 

He jerked his head to her direction, for the first time ever, threw his guitar away and jumped up and to her, pulling her in his arms. "You're here... You're really here, Steph..." She nodded, her tears soaking his shirt. "I've missed you so much." His voice was silenced by her hair. They stood, his arms tightly around her, crying together until there were no more tears left to cry. He pulled back a little only so he could see her face, her beautiful face he had missed so dearly. He knew he wasn't in his best state, but that didn't stop him from kissing her. She responded right away, cradling his face in her hands, bringing them closer together. "Oh, baby..." She couldn't speak. She had to juggle between weeping and smiling. "I thought I would never see you again, I thought I've lost you forever this time."

"Don't ever do that to me, Lindsey. Or don't not do that to me, I'm not sure." They laughed a little together and he took her hand to lead them to the couch. "I thought I was going to strangle that woman. She showed up at Alice's asking for me. I had no idea what was it she wanted, I let her in and she told me what really happened. I don't think I've ever been this happy before."

"Can we please forget she even exists? She almost tore us apart, she's the last thing I want to discuss right now."

"I agree. You look rough."

"I didn't really see the point in looking any other way if I didn't have you." He held her hand the whole time, trying to make sure she was real and she was with him. "I think all I've been doing lately is drinking and playing Stephanie over and over again."

"I would like you to play with Stephanie..."

"Are you serious?" Lindsey laughed, then raised his eyebrow. "You are serious!"

She didn't say anything, pulling his shirt over his head instead and attacking his lips with her own. His hands immediately wrapped around her as she straddled his waist. He maneuvered her out of her own clothes while she helped him with his jeans. There was nothing gentle and they certainly weren't making love. He roughly thrust up into her and she met his every movement. They needed each other, now probably more than ever before. It was their own and best way of showing they loved each other, even when the times were tough. He was gripping her hips tightly and she held onto his shoulders, her nails certainly leaving marks. With a few more forceful thrusts she fell on top of him and he held her body as close to his own as possible, breathing shallowly into her neck. 

"If that is the result of us not speaking to each other for two weeks, I think we should argue like this more often." 

Stevie sat up quickly again, glaring at him. "I'll be good for more than two weeks, but you? I'm not so sure. So, why don't you watch what you're saying?"

"I'm sorry." He knew she wasn't really angry right now. "By the way, we're still... I'm still..."

"You're still in me, yeah, I can feel that, you know."

"I guess, I'll take that as a compliment." 

She smiled down at him, his heart melting. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby." He skillfully switched their positions. 

He kissed her lips softly, his hand stroking her thigh, her hands locked behind his neck. As the kiss grew deeper, he started moving slowly again. After some time, she broke their lips apart to gasp for air. She palmed his cheek and planted small kisses on his lips in rhythm with their lower bodies. And when she wasn't doing that, they just kept smiling at each other. 

They lay next to each other after their love making holding hands, they needed to feel the other person. Neither wanted to say anything so the moment wouldn't get ruined. Lindsey reached for a blanket that had fallen on the floor and covered them both with it. She scooted closer to his side and he kissed her once more.

"Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight." She repeated and both soon drifted off to sleep.

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