Love was everywhere

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Two months had passed like a couple of days. Stevie and Lindsey were spending more and more time together, the best way to describe their current situation would probably be dating. It sounded ridiculous, but she told him she wanted a fresh start. She wasn't going to move back in with him right away nor was she going to jump into bed with him, she almost gave in a few times, but reminded herself that they have to take this seriously. 

Lindsey wanted to show her he was taking it serious. He wanted nothing more than to have his wife back, but he understood her point. He called her one night to ask her out, but instead she suggested him coming over to her place and he had no problem with that. 

She left everything she was doing in the kitchen and ran to open the door, she couldn't wait to see him. Surprise showed on her face when Lindsey stood in the hallway with a huge bouquet of beautiful red roses.

“You shouldn’t have…” She inhaled the scent when Lindsey handed her the flowers. He put his arm around her shoulders and she gave him a kiss.

“I wanted to.” He kissed her temple before they went inside.

She picked up a vase from the living room and brought it to the kitchen to fill it up with water. “You look beautiful tonight, Steph.”

“Thank you.” She smiled, setting the roses in the vase and then  put it on her living room table. “I wanted to look beautiful for you tonight.”

“You always do, baby.” They hugged and stood that way in the middle of her apartment. "I couldn't be happier you're letting me back in."

“That’s because you’re being very nice to me.” She planted a small kiss on his lips. She took his hand in hers and led him to the kitchen again, where she had the table set for them. “I even attempted at being a housewife. I cooked! I tasted it, you won’t have to spit it out.”

Lindsey laughed taking a seat. “You never were that bad at cooking, Steph, you should give yourself more credit.”

“Fish, some roasted potatoes and vegetables, it’s simple, but it’s made with love.” She set one plate in front of him and another for herself. 

"It looks great, thanks." He took her hand before she got away from him. "But can we hurry up?"

"Why, what's the rush?"

"I have plans for us."

"Lindsey, I'm not sleepin with you."

"That I know." He laughed then shook his head. "But that's not what I meant."

"Then what is it?"

"Our flight is in three hours."

She almost spat out a mouthful. "Our what is when?!"

"I'm whisking you away to Italy." He smiled at the shock on her face.

"When were you going to tell me this?"

"I just did." He simply said and started eating too.

"Lindsey, you're mad!"

"Yes, madly in love with you."

"But we can't..."

"We can, everyone who needs to know, knows you will be away for the next week."

"I can't just up and..."

"You can! Steph, we need this. You and I need some time alone, somewhere far away. We need to think about each other and not everyone else, it will be good for our relationship, I promise you."

"I have to call Karen about my schedule, see if..."

"He cut her off again. "Karen booked us tickets."

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