This isn't real

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Lindsey was confused, more than confused, he didn't understand anything at all. Once he found out the woman in bed with him wasn't Stevie, he began to realize that this bedroom wasn't their bedroom either. He desperately tried to remember, but nothing came to him. The very first thought that was on his mind was that he was a complete asshole for sleeping with another woman.

He picked up his clothes off the floor and put them on quickly, shocked by how calm this Emily woman was, she obviously had to know he was married. If he called her by a different name and it wasn't enough, then surely the ring on his finger had to do the trick.

"Who the hell are you?"

"That is not the way you spoke to me last night." She sat up in bed and scooted up to the headboard. 

"I shouldn't have talked to you at all judging by the look of things."

"You don't remember anything, do you?" She cocked her head to on side. 

"Do I look like I fucking remember?"

"Oh calm down, will you!" She rolled her eyes. "I can remind you if you want."

"If I want? Are you that fucking stupid? I'm married!"

"Oh, I know... I know you're married, I know who you are and I know to whom you're married to." Her words sounded a lot like a threat to Lindsey.

"And you still were ok with having sex with a married guy?"

"She kept coming back to you, I was interested why." She was obviously Stevie.

"Tell me how this happened." He exhaled deeply, not moving an inch, avoiding any eye contact with the woman.

"Well..." She took a few steady breaths before speaking again and it annoyed him beyond belief. "When I came in to that restaurant, you were with a couple of people. You were pretty drunk by then already. The couple, I assumed, left after about an hour and you were on your own. You were passing my table and you tripped and almost fell over. After coming back from the restroom, you went to sit at your table again, but since nobody joined you, I wanted to try my luck, I came over and took a seat. We started chatting and you kept drinking. You told me how shitty your relationship had been with your wife for almost two years or something like that, you kept going on and on about the same thing, I got tired of listening to you. You said how sure you were she was cheating on you with her producer or someone else she was working with and that she really hurt you. You kept repeating that she doesn't know how painful it is to be cheated on."

"But..." He couldn't stay standing up, he sat down on the bed. "Stevie didn't cheat on me."

"You were telling me an entirely different story." She shrugged. "Anyway. At one one point you were so wasted, I suggested you going home. You didn't disagree. I called you a car and went outside to wait with you, well, to hold you up more like. You climbed in once it got there and I was about to go away, but you asked why wasn't I joining you." He closed his eyes, it was him. He willingly cheated on Stevie, that was the part he didn't want to hear. "So then I did. I gave the address to my apartment, where we are right now. Of course, you asked if I had any alcohol, I should have said no, but you were very persistent. While you drank, you basically told me the whole story again and again, I'm sure I stopped listening at some point. And when you didn't shut up, I helped you."

"Helped me?"

"I kissed you and you were too eager to respond. You had your tongue down my throat in a split second."

Lindsey rested his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands. He knew he fucked up, possibly to the point of no return. "Didn't you think of pushing me away?"

"Honestly, no. Why would I? You're a very attractive man."

"Do you have any morals?"

"Do you?" She laughed at his question.

"I called you by her name..."

"Again, because you remember nothing. Last night on the other hand, you told me how much I reminded you of your wife when she was younger, that I almost looked the same, that she was the most beautiful woman to you. You started calling me by her name. I didn't mind at first. I didn't care what you called me until you fucked me. But after some time it started bothering me, but you refused to call me anything but Stephanie or Steph."

"Oh my god..." He felt physically sick at that moment. "This can't be happening! This isn't real." He shook his head, wanting to believe his own words.

"What are you planning to do?"

He jerked his head to look at her. "What kind of question even is that?"

"I really enjoyed last night."

"Yeah, well save it for yourself then."


"What do you mean, hm?"

"Nobody has to know." It was clear to him what kind of plan she had in mind,

"Look, I made a huge mistake, this should have never happened. I love my wife more than anything in this entire world. I don't need anyone else besides her."

"You keep telling yourself that."

"I mean it. And don't you try and come up with anything."

"Like I said, if you don't want her to find out about this, then come see me again."

"You're sick, you know that?"

"No less than you are. You claim to love your wife while fucking other women on the side."

"I don't fuck other women! This was a mistake!" He repeated, yelling now. He looked around to see if he had everything with him and he headed for the door.

"You're a very brave man to be walking out that door right now." She added, making sure he still heard her.

Lindsey didn't stop, he kept on walking and praying that she didn't mean it, that she will leave him alone. Yet, somehow he doubted that would be the case...

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