Chapter 4

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JJ-yeah, I'll do it
G-no this is my fight
John B picked up Georgie as she squirmed to get free. People chanted louder and louder. JJ punched Topper. He punched back and it continued. John B put Georgie down slowly. Tears formed in her and Kies eyes.
G-NO JJ, NO STOP. Please
JB- hey hey
He pulled her into a tight hug and she started to cry. Pope ran over to JJs bag and pulled out the gun. JJ was lying in the water defensless, beaten, and bruised. Pope put the gun to Toppers head.
P-yeah you know what this is
T-ok ok ok chill
John B ran over to Pope and took the gun out of his hands. They all ran over to JJ
G-oh my god, JJ
K-help someone help
JJ-guys I'm fine just stop screaming
Georgie ran over to Topper. Anyone could see fear in his eyes as she had beat him up before. She ran up to him and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground. Trying to get up she kicked him and started yelling. She dragged him up by the collar and whispered
G- get the hell of our side of the island. Or else it will be that last thing you see
Topper ran away along with his friends. The party quickly dispersed. Leaving Georgie crying  with blood on her fists. John B came up behind her and gave her a big hug as he comforted her. She jolted away and ran to JJ still lying on the ground. He sat up and she hugged him.
G-i told you I should have fought him
K- G, we all know if you had the chance you would have killed him
P-yeah, you almost did
JB- come on guys. Let's go home.
John B picked Georgie up. She fell asleep in his arms. JJ put his arms around Kie and Pope. They walked home. They all fell asleep in the same beds they did before except Kie and Sarah went home.

They slept peacefully until JJs rooster started to make a ruckus waking everyone up. John B walked through the door with JJ and Pope. Georgie was still asleep on the pullout couch. John B walked towards her slapping her led saying
JB-you coming G
P-yeah were going to the hammocks
G-it's to early
The boys walked to the hammocks. John B and Pope laid on one while JJ sat alone on the other.
JB-so Pope, you and kiara a thing now
P-I think so but I'm not sure
P-shut up JJ, you like Georgie
JB-no pogue on pogue macking remember
JJ-dosent seem to stop Pope
G-stop pope from what
Georgie walked of and plopped down next to JJ.
G-well it was something so tell me
JJ- Pope and Kiara are macking
G-huh really!!! Yea I already knew that. Kie told me. Girls talk about things.
JJ-what kind of things
He said with a weird smile and laughed
G-you are so gross
JJ- I know right
JB-so, GEORGE, you macking anybody
G-no, and even if I was I wouldn't tell you
JJ-she's fucking me
G-no I'm not, why the hell would you say that
P-cause he wants it to be true
G-dude everyone wants to do me. It sucks. And it's just JJ, literally every girl that has a heartbeat he just like "uuuuhhhh"!
P-not for you, he likes you
JJ-can we please talk about something else. Wait is that my shirt
G-idk, I just grabbed it and put it on
Georgie raised her eyebrow
JJ- I have to go to my house to pick up some clothes.
G-oh good, me too, I'll walk with you.
JJ- umm, no, I'm not letting you anywhere near my dad
G-shut up, let's go
They walked to Georgies house first.
JB-what an ass
P-dude do you like her too
JB-umm, no, no I-, I was just talking about JJ because he is an ass
P-that's totally believable. Anyways, do you want to go fishing later.
JB-sounds good


G- so I've told you about my sico aunt and how my parents died in a plane crash but what's going on with your dad. I know you've told me before but you haven't gone home in a while.
JJ-neither have you!!!
G-ok I'm sorry. That's fair
JJ-he's gotten worse. Last time I came home he hit me because I didn't bring him a beer
G-if it helps. My aunt fell of a cruise ship because she was so drunk and she hit me because she said I pushed her. I wasn't even there.
They laughed and continued to walk to Georgies house. When they arrived JJ said
JJ-do you want me to go in with you
G-dude, I'll be fine. She's probably dead asleep on the couch with a beer in her hand. They walked in.
G-what did I say
JJ-accurate, except it's a bottle of whine.
Georgie grabbed some clothes and her locket with a picture of her parents. She put her belongings in her backpack. The two quietly tiptoed out of the house and continued to walk to jjs. As they traveled 20 steps they got to JJs house. As they were neighbors. There on the porch couch the saw JJs dad, passes out.
G-I'm gonna use the restroom
Georgie went inside to go to the bathroom when only moments later she heard yelling. She instantly knew what was going on. JJs dad woke up and screamed at him for god knows what. She ran outside.
JJs dad: JD
JD-why the fuck did you dare come back!!
JJ-I needed clothes!!
JD-go somewhere else! Get your ass of my property!
He pushed JJ into a wooden pole and he feel to the ground.
G-Don't you fucking touch him!!
JD-oh, I see you have brought a slut to MY HOUSE!!!
JJ- Dont call her that!!
JD grabbed Georgie and throw her of the deck. Knocking her out.
JJ-what the hell did you do!! She didn't fucking do anything!!
He rushed to Georgies side, tears forming in his eyes. She wasn't waking up and there was a trail of bloody grass leading to her head.
JJ-This is why I don't come home! She is the best thing that ever happened to me! Don't fucking take it away!
He picked Georgie up and put her in his dads car and drove to the hospital.
JJ-come on G, come on, come on, stay with me!

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