Chapter 6

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Pulling up to her house. Kiara came out ready to go because they called her on the way. She hopped in next to Pope.
K-so, who am I riding with
P-ME, well if you want
S-so I guess that leaves you and me John B
John B drove to Tannyhill and they got to the dock where a three jet skis floated.
S-my dad took the green one out for a spin
JJ-we call the blue one
S-the red ones mine
P-guess we get the yellow
They all got onto their jet skis. Georgie sat in the front of hers
JJ-no move, I'm driving.
G-nooo, pleeaasseee
She gave him the puppy dog eyes
G-we will switch halfway. Pleeaaassseee
G-thank you bubba
Off they all went. Speeding across the coast. Pope and Kie had gone ahead by a lot. And JB and Sarah were close behind. JJ and Georgie were falling behind. Their engine started to sputter as they came to a stop. They tried screaming for help but the others had gone to far ahead. No one could hear them.
JJ-what do we do now
G-flag down the ferry. It's not to far ahead and it's really slow.
G-i don't know
JJ-we could use one of your rings to reflect light on to it.
Georgie took off her biggest ring and held it up high while turning it slowly. The soon heard a loud horn. It was the ferry. It slowed down and came to a stop. JJ and Georgie jumped into the water to swim to it leaving the jet ski stranded. After of what felt like forever they finally reached the boat and climbed up the ladder. The captain came with towels.
G-thank you so much
JJ-yeah I-, we appreciate it
Georgie smiles at JJ and leaned in his shoulder. It started to sprinkle.
G-oh great
JJ-what? We are already soaking
G-yeah... let's go to the engine room. It's nice and warm there
They walked down the steps and through a few hallways until they got to the engine room. They sat their for a few minutes and got really sweaty.
G-do you think they forgot about us
JJ-the capitan or our friends
G-it's so hot.
JJ-I know. Do you want to go back up
G-no, I like it
JJ- me to
He put his arm around her while they just talked and talked. Later JJ took his shirt off and threw it behind him while he looked at her.
G-really? I know what your trying to do
JJ-I'm not trying to do anything, it's hot in here, well... is it working
They laughed
G-i little bit
After laughing some more they suddenly stopped and stared at each other. Leaning in closer. Their lips met and their was a small smile on each of their faces. They whispered
JJ-hey, I like you
G-I know bubba. I like you to
JJ-does that mean it worked?
They kissed again and then started to make out. Later the horn on the boat went off again. JJ put his shirt back on and they headed up to the deck to get off the ferry. They went to the mainland and met their friends.
JB-what the hell happened
G-the jet ski died so we got on the ferry
K-what the hell
K-you guys did it on the boat
G&JJ-no we didn't
They lied
S-omg you totally did
JJ-even if we did how would you know
P-your hairs messed up and your shirts all rinkly. And Georgie, same with your hair but your wearing John Bs shirt inside out.
G-ok guys can we just go now
S-oh were not going straight to chapel hill. We need to go shopping.
They walked into a mall and strolled through some stores.
S-ok guys, I have an idea. What if each couple got to dress the other person.
JJ-oohhh yea
K-let's head into here
P-this is gonna be fun
They walked into a fancy store and walked to the dressing rooms.(I think you know the couples)
G-ok boys go first
G-I'll be right back bubba
S-your gonna look so awesome John B
The girls walked into the shopping area. Sarah picked out a pink button down with a blue suit for John B. Kie picked a full on tuxedo for Pope, bow tie and everything. Georgie picked out a light blue button down with a navy suit for JJ.
JJ-why are we doing this again
P-cause we have to look nice if we go to chapel hill.
They said will changing. They all can out at the same time which was kinda cool.
S-looking spiffy Routledge
K-nice Pope
G-wow, I am so good at this
P-I look like a kook
JB-yalls turn
They went into the shopping area
K-I hope they are good at this
G-I'm kinda nervous
They walked in
JJ-dont be
G-JJ I'm nervous cause your probably gonna pick out something slutty
JJ-no I'm no-, yeah I'll be right back
G-oh my gosh, he picked out something slutty
JJ-alright I'm back
The girls changed. Sarah came out wearing

 Sarah came out wearing

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And Kie was wearing

And Georgie came out seconds later wearing

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And Georgie came out seconds later wearing

And Georgie came out seconds later wearing

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They each gave a little spin. JJ whistled and bit his lip. Georgie smiles and grabbed her bag.
K-I like it
G-me too
S-good job boys, let's head out
JJ-wait wait wait, first let's come up with fake names. I'll be Liam, from Brazil.
K-ooh ok, I'll be Sadie from Switzerland
P-I'll be Cameron, from Australia
JB-Vlad from Egypt
G-Lila from Spain
S-and Valerie from Quebec
JJ- wait G I just thought of the perfect nickname for you
G-no, now lets go
JJ-whatever you say bitty
G-why is it always about my size, like I get it I'm small!
JJ- it's just cause your so cute
P-ugh, get room
They laughed and walked to Chapel Hill

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