Chapter 10

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The next day, the curious group sat around on the porch talking about what they should do when Milo came trotting towards Georgie. She started to talk to him sweetly in a higher pitched voice.
G-hello sweet bubba! How are you!
Everyone looked at her wierd while she continued to talk to the small animal. She looked over at them to see their wierd faces.
JJ-one: your adorable. Two: you seem to be closer to that thing than you are to me! And three: I thought I was your bubba
K-what is with you and "bubba" it's just wierd
G-one:it's a cute nickname. two: JJ you know I love you very much right? Just cause I'm giving him attention dosent mean I don't want to give you attention.
She paused for a minute and stood up holding out her arms and walking towards JJ
G-do you want attention
JJ-yes. For the past five minutes I've suffered from ADD and it's because of you.
Georgie hugged him and sat on his lap. A smile sprang onto his face before he kissed her forehead. She smiled and buried her head in the crook of his neck while the others continued their conversation from before. The goat skipped back inside without anyone noticing.
K-okay, so you guys have to promise me that you'll come tomorrow night. It's really important to me that you do
P-yeah it's just a movie night
She turned to look at pope with her eyebrow raised. He started to look worried.
P-never mind your always right
He explained in a frighted tone. Heyward had called pope telling him that he needs help with groceries. He said goodbye and hung up.
P-sorry guys, I need to help my pops with some groceries.
G-I'll help
JJ-me too
The trio started to walk away when Georgie blurted.
G-hey Kie! Can you watch Milo
K-absolutely! Have fun!
The three continued walking and talking until they arrived at heywards shop.
H-hey! Oh you brought your friends
He said in a strange voice. He never really trusted the Pogues, saying as he and pope were kinda kooks but also not. Just somewhere in the middle. He was happy that they would help but curious if they would steal the groceries or something. He went along with it anyways.
G-we came to help sir
JJ-yup, just and extra set of hands
They walked to where they saw a big truck filled with plastic bags. Georgie whispered
G-damn, Kie would hate this
Saying as she hated plastic. You know, "save the turtles". JJ chuckled but Georgie looked surprised because she thought no one could hear her. Heyward told them directions to where to take the bags. Pope went with Georgie while JJ walked alone. I don't know why though.

P-so, umm, where did the goat come from
G-oh, well he was in the middle of the hurricane so I brought him inside and-
She was interrupted by Topper and Rafe asking for some beer.
T-well,well,well. Who do we have here
R- it's skimpy and slut
T-haven't seen you in a long time
G-yeah, that was the point
R-I'm so offended
G-I'm glad. Now will you two fuckers move so we can leave
P-okay, guys, we can settle this with-
R-with what? Words? Cause your to wimpy to fight me.
G-you lay a finger on him and I will end your little rein over Kildare island.
R-what are you gonna do? Hit me?
P&T-I wouldn't do that if I were you
R-do what? She's to wimpy to hit me anyways. She's so small how could she-
Georgie kicked rafe in the nuts and punched him in the nose letting him fall to the ground.
She smiled. Rafe struggled to get up.
R-oh you think that's funny huh.
He came closer to her, towering over her head. Jerking his head trying to scare her. She didn't flinch. She didn't even blink. Georgie looked up towards him.
G-yes actually. Watching you plummet to the ground was hilar-
Rafe punched her in the jaw leaving a long red line across her cheek. She got up.
G- wow. Nice, umm, you wanna try that again.
Rafe looked confused but shook it off and put his fists in front of his face signaling he wanted to fight. He swung at her but she ducked and punched him in the stomach. He fell to the ground once again. Moaning in pain.
T-your a bitch you know that. You think you can just walk around and control people just because you-
P-shut the fuck up man. Your just mad cause she could beat you in a fight. I mean, she beat him.
He said pointing at rafe still curled up in a ball on the ground. Then things took a turn. Topper grabbed his golf club and hurled it at pope. He crashed to the ground holding his head which now had a bump and a large bruise.
G-what the fuck topper?
T-he deserved it
G-how the hell did he deserve that.
T-he was just being an ass! okay?
G-how about this? You and your rich bitch friends can just move along okay? We have work to do.
She pulled pope up and picked up the groceries that had fallen. Georgie pushes past topper and kicked rafe as she walked forward, not looking back.

When the two had gotten to the boat, neither of them really said anything. Georgie unbraided her hair so it would cover the large line on her face. JJ arrived and seemed cheerful. The other two just put on a fake smile. JJ came over to Georgie reaching his hand out to touch her cheek and kiss her. He noticed something was up.
JJ-whats wrong angel
JJ-that was very believable. What happened?

Out of nowhere pope yelled
P- it was topper and rafe!
JJ ran to pope curious of what he had to say.
JJ-what was topper and rafe? What happened?
P-topper hit me with a golf club and rafe punched Georgie. She tried to-
JJ-what the fuck! Georgie?!
He ran back over to her worried. He quickly moved the hair out of her face.
G-no, stop, I-
JJ looked sad and mad at the same time seeing the scar.
JJ-I'm gonna fucking ki-
G-JJ dont. It's okay, it's really okay, I'm fine. Rafe is extremely weak. I got punched by a literal stick okay.
She said half heartedly chuckling.
JJ-but he still did it!
P-dude it's fine
JJ- NO ITS NOT!! They always win-!
P-not true. Georgie kinda won
JJ-NO. It's true! They always win! It's not-
G-JJ, bubba, listen, okay? Pope says he's okay, I'm okay let's just calm down-
JJ-but they-
G-upubupub! Let me finish. I have a plan to get them back but you gotta call down before I tell you okay?
He took a deep breath and hugged her.
P-whats the plan

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