Chapter 9

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The next day they decided to walk around cause they were bored.
JJ-isn't that miss lanas house?
G-I think so
JB-i haven't seen her in forever
G-well her husband did just drowned so.
(They are walking to the rec which is a restaurant that kid's dad owns so Pope and Kie aren't there) they suddenly heard crashing and screaming.
G-what the hell was that
Georgie ran towards the door and busted it open. There were two men beating mrs Lana and they turned towards her with guns.
G-well shit
The boys ran inside but froze when they saw the guys and the guns.
JB-shorty. Get over here now.
G-what the hell is going on here. What do you want from miss Lana?
The men(tm)
TM- none of your fucking business
TM- but you can give us something even better
They walked towards her. But JJ stepped infront of her facing them.
JJ-dont fucking touch her.
TM-we can do what we want
They pushed JJ aside and grabbed her by the shoulders
TM-what do you say we have a little fun
G-I'm down with that
She kicked him in the nuts punching the other guy in the face. They all ran out of the house and to the wreck meeting the others. Panting and out of breath
JJ- not gonna lie, that was kinda hot even though I thought we were all gonna die
G-really? how?
K-wait what happened
They explained everything
K-holy shit
JB-yeah it was crazy
JJ-can we get some food please
K-sure, gimme a second
G-I'll help
As the girl stood up one of the boys whistled. They turned around.
The Girls (tg)
Tg-who was that
Both of the boys pointed at JJ
G-bubba? Was that you
JJ-what can I say. Your hot
G-let's go Kie
After a while the girls came back with some food and they all ate it pretty quickly. Kie got up and started to dance. She pointed to John B and Pope and they came up and danced with her. Georgie got up and pulled JJ up to dance as well.
G-come on bubba
They got up and danced. JJ put his hands on her waist while she threw her arms around his neck. They slow danced until a different song came on. JJ picked Georgie up and spun her around. She laughed and kissed him on the nose. They continued to prance around. JJ leaned towards Georgie and whispered
JJ-do you wanna get outta here
G-I think we shou- yes, yes I do
They said goodbye to their friends and ran out of the restaurant. John Bs smile dipped ever so slightly.

The next morning they all decided to go on the boat today. Everyone was waiting for Georgie cause she always takes forever to get ready. She ran outside wearing this

 She ran outside wearing this

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The boys whistled.
JB-damn JJ! You lucky bastard!
G-shut up John B. I know it's small but it was the only one I had left.
JJ-looks fine to me
P-i personally think you look great
G-ok JJ, give me your fucking shirt
JB-here's mine
JJ-no here's mine
G-I don't care who's shirt I have just give me one. I don't want everyone looking at me. You know what, I'll just go change
JJ-no,no,no,no, please no, let's just go
She put on John Bs shirt and they started off to kies. When they got there, they saw Kie coming down the dock with her cooler.
K-hey sorry G, I ran out of peach. What is your second choice?
G&JJ-Lemon lime
G-you know me so well bubba
JB- I thought I was your bubba
G- when did I say tha- oh yeah. Well I need a different nickname for you.
JB- how about papi
G- how about no. Oh what about talley cause you call me shorty
G- I guess John B is fine
JJ came up behind Georgie and hugged her. She smiled.
JJ-suck it John B! I'm her only bubba
K-really guys
JB-is someone jealous
P-should we stop here
K-let's swim
G-I'm okay. I'll just sit here and tan
JJ-no! Your coming
JB-no, now
G-why do you want me to swim so bad
G-because why you
JB-oh my god
G-I love you to bubba
P-why is he your BUBBA
G-cause he-
JJ-that's not what she calls me in bed
K&G-oh my god JJ
P-yeah man, nice
G-I agree. Anyways I think-, wait who is that?
They saw another boat speeding towards them.
G-umm, guys
JJ-just act natural
John B started up the boat so they could get away. That's when the other boat started shooting.
K-oh my fucking god
JB-what the hell is happening
P-we are all gonna die
They all ducked down to protect themselves. JJ jumped over to Georgie and hovered over her so she wouldn't get hurt. Georgie stood up and grabbed the fishing net
JJ-get your amazing ass down here
G-hang on
As the two boats speeded into the marsh, Everyone panicked. Georgie threw the net into the water causing the other boat to stop. They all sighed in relief and John B drove the pogue back home.
JB-those were the guys that were at miss lanas
JJ-you mean the guys Georgie beat up
G-i didn't really beat them up I just-
JB-you beat them up
K- ok, my question is why were they trying to kill us??

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