Chapter 7

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As they strolled through the college JJ said
JJ-wait, why are we even here
G-for fun
S- to look around the college silly
G&JJ- oh yeah
Still walking in the large halls of the college, they passed a room filled with students doing drills.
G-omg, whats that??
S-I thinks it's the police academy
G-this may sound dumb but do you need to have good grades to get in there?
S-I don't think so. It's mainly physical stuff.
JB-that's literally perfect for you Georgie
JJ-that's what i was gonna say
K-you should check it out
JJ-I'll go with you
The couple walked into the class
G-excuse me, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but could I get an application.
Teacher-of course! Here ya go.
They walked out of the class to join their friends
K-wait G, isn't that like really expensive
G-I don't know. It's says here on the application that it is...
She stopped reading and looked up
G-well there goes my dream
S- hey Georgie, dont worry about it. If you ace your physical test and get some extra credit then sometimes they will pay for it. But if not my family's got you covered
G-no Sarah, have you seen the price.
S-no but i-, oh my that is a lot
G-imma start training tomorrow. We have until September 30 to train. Only three months!
JJ-hey, hey, it's ok. If anyone in our group could do this I'd bet 10000$ on you.
He leaned closer and hugged her. He started to whisper.
JJ-hey and what are the exercises. Cause we could do our own.
G-wow, just wow
P-you should really work on your whispering JJ. It's just, ugh never mind
Georgie kissed JJ. The friends continued to walk around the building.
After they had finished they walked to the jet skis.
JB-ok so Georgie, JJ and I will get this one and Kie, Pope and Sarah get the yellow one.
P-ok guys. Meet up at the stranded jet ski so we can take it back.
JJ-hey G, you promised I could drive halfway sooo...
JB-umm no, I'm driving
The boys started to bicker back and forth while Georgie hoped on the jet ski scooting to the front.
G-I'm driving bubbas, lets go!
John B picked her up and put her in the middle. JJ saw that as a chance to jump in the front. With Georgie behind him, leaving John B behind her.
JJ-hold on!!
The jet ski sped off. Georgie held on tight to JJ while leaning back on John B cause there wasn't much room. John B combed Georgies long brown hair to get it out of his face. She bent her head upwards so she was looking at him. They laughed and continued home.
Once they arrived. They all got into their normal clothes and went to bed.
JJ-I call my usual bed
JB-i obviously get mine
P-porch couch
JB-where's shorty
They looked around and found her lying asleep on JJs bed.
JJ-god she's cute
K-guys, ssssshhhhh
Everyone went to sleep.

The next morning everyone woke up to the sound of sirens. Except for JJ, he could sleep through anything.
JB-shit not again
G-I don't understand how he sleeps through that
JJ-who, what, never mind I'm going back to bed.
G-no bubbas, stay awake. I wanted to go surfing.
JB-that's not a bad idea, during the hurricane. Mind if I join
G-sure, more the merrier
The kids got ready to stupidly surf during a hurricane... again! They ran to the beach cause they couldn't drive. Looking out at the insane waves
JB-these aren't sur fable waves guys
G-says who
The crazy kids ran towards the water. They surged forever. John B kept whipping out and it was really funny.
G-would you like to go to this toddler surf lesson that rose is teaching. I think you'd love it
JB-haha very funny, but we should head back
JJ-I agree
One smart decision they made was going back to John Bs house. But when they came back Kia and pope were gone.
G-they probably went home.
JJ-yeah. So what do you want to do
JB-not sure. Oh we could play spin the bottle
JB-i just realized how dumb that was
G-oh my gosh guys, there's a fucking goat outside
She ran outside to bring him on the porch
JJ-it must be mister martins.
JB-no, he's not tagged so nobody owns him
JJ-what then who owns him
G-me, come on let's go Milo
JB-no were not having a goat
G-yes MILO and yes I'm keeping him.
JB-umm no. There is no way that a goat is going to live in this house.
G-pwity pwease
She gave him the puppy dog eyes.
G-I'll give you a kiss
JJ-umm no, no, no, no
G-really? Ok
She grabbed the collar of his shirt forcing his lips to hers. He put his hands on her cheeks. She pulled away.
G-okay. The goats mine
She walked away and John B yelled
She shut the door and smiled

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