Chapter One.

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I looked at my watch worried as 8:00 A.M. stared back at my beautiful African face, I couldn’t afford to be late again for the third time in a week, and this day was an important day when the company I interned at was expecting the newly appointed C. E. O.
I thanked the Lord as the bus I waited on for half an hour arrived and I rushed in to find a seat but as I stepped into the bus, all eyes focused on me as if a celebrity just walked in.

Maybe because yours truly was wearing ‘Baby Love’, my favorite perfume, or because of my brown skin.
If the latter was the case pfft, I was used to the attention since it was my fifth year in South Korea.

P. S: if you are brown-skinned like me and you are new in Korea or preparing to be new in Korea, just get ready to be stared at into oblivion.

I ignored the onlookers trying to bore holes into my soul as I hurried to find myself an empty – and hopefully comfortable – seat. Sitting down, I noticed a kid beside me in his shining uniform that I recognized as Victory High, a school well-known in the area. For some reason, which I’m sure I know nothing about; this kid became happy with my presence.

“Could I take a picture with you, Noona?” he eagerly asked not even bothering to add the 'heuk' word that always kills my enthusiasm in it and I was more than ready to oblige.

“Of course,” I smiled and watched as the kid positioned his phone with a smile that got me thinking 'OK, he's cute.’

“Hana, dul, set, (click) Hana, dul, set, (click).” I could see on his face that he had more requests to ask but as a result of not wanting to seem too ratchet to the other passengers I guess, he did let me be after thanking me and half-mindedly returning to his game. I adjusted in my seat as I hummed and lip-synced to the boy band VAV’s debut song ‘Rosita’ playing on the radio as the bus continued after everyone had boarded.

Nearing my freedom from the continuous obnoxious stares from the native passengers, I pushed the button in front of me to alert the driver of my intention to alight at the next bus stop, which thankfully, was opposite my internship company, ‘Timeless Fashion’.  I waved the kid goodbye and he returned it with a happier countenance before I stepped out of the bus in a hurry towards the main door that led inside the company.

Pushing through the door and edgily scurrying in, I walked past the reception smiling at Soo Young, the company's receptionist and she gave me a thumbs up with a bright smile that I think made the company hire her, as I ran towards the elevator and pressured the upward button before my legs got to stand still. I began tapping the tip of my favorite red bottom heels while waiting for the doors to slide open.

As I entered quickly, I pressed the button ‘16’ offhandedly while checking the time again which read 8:30 am. It gave me the feeling of déjà vu and the memory wasn’t vague because it happened the previous day and the day before making me worry more since this particular day wasn't supposed to be one of those days but, who was I kidding?

Mental peace was what I needed at this moment, so I chose to quiet the raging volcano about to erupt in my head with a mantra I had learned to use in times like this. Breathe girl, breathe...”  I would mutter to keep my cool and stop myself from having any panic attacks on mornings like this. The elevator opened with a ‘ding’ giving me the cue to step out, which I did in a hurry towards my desk close to the window, my divinely granted getaway.

Whenever the team leaders decided to bury me with the reason the company employed them all in the first place, that view somehow gave me peace of mind unexplainably. As I settled down craftily and noiselessly, I began to give thanks that my presence wasn’t noticed yet by my very own 'walking on stilettos CCTVs', but they say, speak of the devils, in this case, shall appear and they shall appear. My partners in crime Kim Hana and Kim Haneul didn't even let me say amen before they snuck up to my desk and interrupted my Thanksgiving.

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