Chapter Twenty One

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"First, I heard there were spies in the palace, then later it was a conspiracy, and now it is the missing royal guest," I thought on my way back,

I was investigating the attempt on the Royal Guest's life on the road from the market which the king ordered me to do.

But before I could gather my proof, I heard she was missing. I was feeling a lot right now and happiness wasn't one of them.

Whenever I looked away, something bad always happened. The first time was at the restaurant where I met her with her handmaid Choi Dong Yi, the little kid she always carried around, and her guard Young Pil. 

I wanted to follow her but I didn't want to piss her off more than she already was and I made a poor decision of letting her walk off and right before my eyes,  she was almost assassinated.

And now, it was kidnapping. When I was busy tracing and tracking down the assassins sent to her, I was summoned to the palace to be told she was missing.

Since the beginning of my findings, every clue and piece of evidence I got pointed to only one person it showed that the Royals didn't fear the heavens anymore.

If they could try killing one of its own. Even the king who should be protecting such treasure wasn't even trying to do so.

"How could he put her right in the middle of wolves with only one guard?
I had suggested that she should be kept with priestesses, that way she would be safer but no, he allowed his feelings to get in the way like he was the only one who felt something special for her.
This is what happens when a King never listens to genuine advice" Anger ran through me like the blood in my veins.

"If only he had listened if only he... " I stopped as I sighted her again this time walking towards the forest and I followed her.
I looked and noticed again that the basket had been refilled because this time, she carried it on her head supporting it with her hand while the other held her dress.
She kept walking for some time until she stopped at a particular point then dropped the basket and turned back to the way she came.

I became confused I decided to wait to see who the package belonged to. 

The Queen has been visiting recently with the princess using her as an exclusive excuse but it seemed like today wasn't one of those days where Seon Jo needed the supposed charity.

"Don't you think my grandmother is already satisfied with your recent activities? Or does the whole nation need the acting too?" He said while sitting and writing afar off with his expression of 'uninterest' so obvious.

"I am only doing my duty as your wife, your Majesty," she said with a smile and a calm voice that hid irritation.

"What will you stand to gain in doing all this? Because as far as am concerned my heart isn't one of them." He asked not taking his eye off his writing.

"At least, things will be made easier if it is even possible." anger now visible on her face,
"But I knew that from that day you set your eyes on me, I will never have your attention talk less of your heart. " every word said slowly to hide pain and anger.

"You know, so why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your grandmother-in-law and her noble whisperers? " the sarcasm was far from these words but the bien looked on.

"Why didn't you reject me when you saw me if you knew that you would never love me? " she looks at him with anger,

"Do you know how many names and pictures came before you? If I had rejected you, what difference would it make? They would keep on bringing names and pictures until I picked one. " with guilt slapping me in the face.

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