Chapter Thirteen

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Seon Jo

Fear spread through the court as the sound of his royal writing brush breaking echoed loudly.

"What did you say Minister Sun happened to the Royal guest?" Fear flooded my vision, maybe I did not hear right, she could not be missing.

"The Royal guest hasn't been seen this morning by her handmaid so she reports her missing, Your Majesty." Minister Sun repeated with concern in his words. They don't know what they are saying, were they trying to scare me with this little trick?

Well, the satisfaction of seeing it work I would not give to them. They cannot trick me because last night, I saw this person retiring for the night.

"Where is this handmaid?!" I asked regaining my poise while trying to curb the fear banging in my heart.

"She awaits His Majesty's word." Prime Minister Nam Go replied.

"Send her in." trying my hardest to quiet my mind and heart that maybe this was a misunderstanding, Simultaneously, the doors were opened and a young girl walked before me and bowed on her knees,

"Your Majesty" she reverend,

"Raise your head," I ordered and when she obeyed, I confirmed her as Hye Jin's handmaid.

"What's your name, child?" I asked calmly,

"Choi Dong Yi, Your Highness" she visibly trembled while she spoke and, it showed that I was not the only one troubled.

"I hear you're the handmaid to the Royal guest, is that true?" I looked at her with forced strength in my voice,

"Yes your Majesty," she answered quavering,

"Do you mind telling us what happened?" I continued writing this time with a new brush as Dong Yi told the court and I listened attentively trying to write but only I knew that it was not happening.

"...Majesty, this is what I found." she showed me the paper and my head speedily rose to see the ray of hope this child didn't know she had given.

"Step forward," I ordered with the hope that so sure was obvious. I recognized this as mine, I had given this message to the Eunuch Park to convey to Hye Jin and it did not help my heart as I felt it missed a beat.

She did and Eunuch Park brought the paper to me and when I received it, I saw the look on Eunuch Park's face that tells he was as surprised as I was. I opened it but I immediately brought it far from my face when I knew what it was and my heart sank so deep that I feared it was shattered and my breath hung in my throat.

I abruptly stood up with fear and anger burning through me to the people who used my letter against me and I walked up to Dong Yi who bowed lower as I got closer.

"Choi Dong Yi, do you know what you gave to me?" I knew she was only a young child but the emotions that warred in me overshadowed my sense of reasoning.

"Forgive me, your Majesty!" She screamed and fell to her face.

"Yet you gave it to me?!?!" I raised my voice at her.

"Forgive me, your Majesty!!!"She begged in tears which made me realize we both were in the same spot, helpless.

"Guards!! Take her away!!" I ordered and in no time, guards rushed in and dragged her out even as she screamed pleading in tears. The next thing was to find out who made this happen, that meant I was looking for a patient opportunist, who could use my property against me.

"Get me the chief of investigation!!" I ordered with clear anger as I walked back to my seat but I stood. A man in his late forties came in and bowed to me,

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