Chapter Five

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I gently followed whosoever was leading me as I heard the sound of doors being opened and immediately I could tell that it was those massive doors I saw. My hopes rose higher as I believed they were taking me to their Leader, so I mentally prepared myself for what was to come.

When the pulling stopped, I knew we had arrived. I was about to yank the cloth off myself when

“Let’s see this proof of divinity you’ve have for us, General Shin.” an elderly voice expectantly called. 

“Your Majesty...” Majesty?! The King and the General are two different persons, great. “...nd honored Ministers I bring you something beyond the seas and mountains that no man or woman has ever seen, heard or told of. Behold, the evidence of heaven’s presence, a glimpse of heaven's mysteries, the Lady of the evening sun, the daughter the of heavens, the stranger fr...!”

“General Shin! His Majesty hasn’t gotten all day, either you do this quickly or you get out.” the previous voice said impatiently, obviously the owner wasn't interested in the way too fake intro which also made me curious about who was being so magnificently and gloriously introduced.

“Ok, the General is the punk who kept me in that good-for-nothing sorry excuse of a prison, nice to meet ya'. Gathering his initial momentum, the General continued,

“Ha... yes, yes, yes, yes, hmm hmm (clearing his throat), behold the stranger from the sun!” he introduced with pride as the cloth used to cover me, came off at the same time and I guess he did it.

Wait! Oh, the el magnifico was me?! Well, not to brag but the General Punkie is kinda right. With the clothes off, I was able to view the surroundings and the people in it with their attires and the way they assembled, the fine structure of this place with just one door positioned far behind me, the gold-painted pillars and pinnacles, or are they gold for real?

Without being told, you'd know this is a palace. I realized that among all these men of influential statuses, nobody was taking him seriously because no reactions had been given. The General turned around expecting some little side talks however none was offered, disappointedly, because the place became silent like a graveyard.

“General Shin what insolence, you had the galls to use your honorary time with the King for jokes?” the voice I first heard sounded from a man I assumed to be the top minister because he was closer to the throne, spat.

“Did the war affect your sanity?” the minister next to him mocked.

“Should we start making preparations for a new general?” another behind requested.

Could we recommend?” asked the one beside him and just like that, their voices rose to criticize General Shin until,

“I didn’t know I have barbarians for Ministers.” A voice so bold and full of authority hissed making me return my eyes to the first place I saw when I opened them. Immediately, the noise died down with everyone looking like a cat getting their tongues and me seeing the scenario, I kept my eyes on where the voice came from.

Though I was standing in front of him with top most authority, I couldn’t see his face properly because he sat behind the falls of black transparent linen that was hanged before him, solely for a reason unknown to me but if it was to conceal his face, I had to admit it was fulfilling its purpose well. That was the guy I wanted to complain to about everything his General had wronged me for.

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