Chapter Twenty Six

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My stomach rumbled in acknowledgment as soon as I stepped into the provision store earning a pat off with discipline.

I noticed a new person standing in place of the Mira I was familiar with as I picked a basket and walked to the fast-food shelf and as soon as I was done, I headed to the counter.

“Good Morning. ” she smiled at me while I just stared at her like a total idiot as she was offloading the submitted goods to calculate,

“Ma'am?  Ma'am? ” she waved at me who didn't even flinch a bit.

“Are you ok?” she asked looking surprised at me,

“Yes, I just ah... remembered something.. I'm Vivian, and you? ” I introduced very much shaken yet I was trying hard to stay cool while waiting for the bill.

“Eun Ji, ” the counter politely answered still summing up the amount and stealing a glance at me,

“I come here regularly, you are new, right? ” I calmly questioned smiling at her,

“No... That will be 500 Won,” she responded professionally while she smiled like she should to a customer,

“But... this is my first time seeing you here,” I informed searching my purse for the required amount,

“Yeah, I live out of the country but I came to visit my family and this place is ours... So... ” she responded cooly while waiting for me to pay.

“Nice to meet you, I hope we get to meet again, Dong Yi.. sorry Eun Ji, You look a lot like a friend I used to know. ” I revealed sadly behind my plastic smile; almost moved to tears but cleared her throat pushing them back. I brought out funds and gave it to Eun Ji to foot my bill.

“She must have been beautiful... ” I guess I'm bad at hiding emotions that was why she must have replied to me with sympathy after she received the money and packaged the paid items.

“Very... ” I responded while I waited for the items to be handed over,

“You know, I have a birthday party tomorrow and I'll need a friend to go with, it's around 9:00 pm,” she said to me, after handing the items over.

“Yeah, sure, I'd love to. Here's my number, call me when you're ready... ” I happily scribbled on the paper offered by Eun Ji and slid it to her.

“Sure I will, have a beautiful evening, Vivian...?” she waved me goodbye as I turned to leave the store but halfway I stopped at the door and turned back to Eun Ji,

“It's great to meet you, Eun Ji. ” smiling before leaving through the door with my hands heavy with breakfast and my heart heavy with happiness.

In the evening...
“This trip was WONDER-FILLED!! ” I exclaimed to Yeong Su, who had stolen me from the office and drove me to the museum plus different unplanned places I didn't know existed.

He treated me so well that I gathered knowledge and food from every stop. The trip was a nice escape from work, if I must admit.

The fact that the whole history of the man I once met was not so motivating or consoling, disappointment was all she felt. The Queen was assassinated by the barbarians and the traitor in the palace helped invade the capital.

General Yin Sun died of his fatal wounds from the war with the same barbarians but no story of her little gift Min Soo, Dong Yi, or even Yeong Su, sitting next to me.

The nickname given to King Seon Jo was terrible, only if they had known him like I did, they would know he was a brave man who could sacrifice anything for his country, family, or anything and anyone he valued.

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