Take Two - Chapter 2

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Once Light had empty what little he had in his stomach, his attention turned to the Jumbotron which would display L's broadcast. It was currently displaying the news which hardly anyone was really paying any attention to. Light looked down at his watch – 15:59pm. The broadcast would begin any second.

"We now interrupt this usual showing to bring you live to the ICPO" the news reporter said before the screen switched to reveal a man wearing a suit sitting behind a desk which the name Lind L. Tailor printed on a card right in front of him.

"I head up an international police task force which includes all member nations. I am Lind L. Tailor, otherwise known as L" Lind L. Tailor said. Light looked around at the others watching the broadcast, their eyes were glued to the screen. No one could anticipate what they were about to witness, they might secretly believe in Kira or oppose him, but no one was prepared to witness the true extent of Kira's power. A collective gasp pulled Light from his thoughts as he looked back up at the Jumbotron to see Lind L. Tailor slump forward dead and for L's logo to appear. Light didn't hang around any longer, he already knew how this would play out plus he didn't really want to listen to the disfigured voice of the man who had sent him to his death. Light silently prayed that throughout the whole of this Kira Investigation, he would never have to look that man in the eyes. But before he could even consider dealing with that bastard, he needed to find Kira, so like any good investigator Light need to compile all the information he had learnt from what had happened the first time around and what little the Shinigami king had told him.

When Light got home, the house was empty. He wasn't sure whether he should be happy about it though, ever since he was arrested he had hardly seen his family. His kind and loving mother, his bubbly little sister or his workaholic father who at the current time didn't believe he was capable of murder and hopefully in this timeline, he never would. Light dumped his school back by his desk and pulled out an empty notebook from his draw. It would probably be best to keep all the information about the Kira case together in one notebook and then keep said notebook with him. The last thing he needed was someone discovering it and learning about the future events. First Light jotted down everything he remembered of the Kira case timeline starting from the first confirmed Kira killing.

Timeline of the Kira Case

November 28, 2006

Kurou Otoharada dies of a heart attack. Kira first confirmed victim.

November 29 – December 4, 2006

Kira kills criminals with little intervention or acknowledgment from the police.

December 4, 2006

The ICPO meeting on Kira killings. L announces his involvement in the Kira Investigation later to become the Kira Task Force with Soichiro Yagami, Shuichi Aizawa, Kanzo Mogi, Touta Matsuda and Hirokazu Ukita.

December 5, 2006 (Present)

Lind L. Tailor incident. Proves Kira is real.

December 10 – 11, 2006

23 criminals held in prison are killed one by one, on the hour. This reveals that Kira has someway gain access to the Kira Investigation information and he can control when his victims will die.

Between December 14 – 18, 2006

Somewhere between the dates above, 12 FBI agents enter Japan to investigate the families connected to the Kira Investigation.

FBI Agent Raye Penber starts following me.

December 20, 2006

The lawyer on the bus who asks for Raye's identification must be or have connection to Kira. Kiichiro Osoreda takes the occupants of the bus hostage. Lawyer man doesn't trust Raye and forces him to reveal who he is. Osoreda is then killed when he hallucinates something (a Shinigami?) and gets off the bus before dying when he is hit by a car.

December 27, 2006

All twelve FBI agents are killed by Kira.

January 1, 2007

Take a change of clothes to dad at the station. See woman needing to talk to the NPA. Don't talk to her and discover that she went missing the same day – Naomi Misora. Possibly killed by Kira?

April 18, 2007

The Second Kira's tapes are broadcast on Sakura TV

April 24, 2007

I get arrested on suspicion of being Kira.

April 25, 2007

The arrest of Kira has been leaked to the media.

There are no more deaths at the hand of Kira.

April 30, 2007

Lethal Injection + Shinigami King proposition

Light let his eyes trail over the long timeline, he never expected some much had happened in such a short space of time. There was so much he wanted to change, so much he had to change. He only had until April 30th to find Kira or convince L that he was innocent before L would kill him again, he needed to keep himself away from L's attention for as long as possible until Light found a concrete lead to the real Kira and to his or her death note. Light still couldn't believe that such a weapon existed, yet the existence of the Shinigami King and his sudden new ability of reading people's names and lifespans could only confirmed that something like the Death Note had to be real. It was the next thing that Light wrote about in his notebook.

The Shinigami Weapon

From the discussion with the Shinigami King before I was sent back in time, the Death Note is a little black book which has the ability to kill anyone who's name is written in it. The death note user must picture the person they wish to kill face in their mind to prevent the death of anyone who share the same name. Along with the death note, humans can gain the Shinigami eyes which allows those death note users to see people's names and lifespans however to gain these eyes, the person must sacrifice half of their remaining lifespan.

Light wasn't sure whether he should feel grateful because of his non-existent lifespan he was privy to gain the Shinigami eyes without paying the price or cursed because now he was forced to know when everyone and anyone he ever met would die. Maybe once this was all over he could get the Shinigami King to take back his eyes.

"What do I do now?" Light muttered to himself, it was not like he could go wandering around Tokyo hoping that he would find someone who is missing their lifespan and hand them over to the task force saying that they were Kira and it wasn't like he could just investigate without access to people who have experience with this type of thing. The last thing he needed was drawing the attention of NPA and by extension L.

"I guess I have to wait until I come into contact with the FBI agent, if I can prevent his death maybe that would lead me down a different path where he could deal with L for me".

December 20, 2006

Light hadn't had to wait long until he felt the familiar presence of someone following him. Quickly confirming it after looking outside his window to see the name Raye Penber floating above his stalker's head. Light continued his life as best as he could trying to live it as close to how it originally happened. Light's mother, Light still couldn't get over the fact that he was with his family again even if they had only been separated for a few days, during his confinement and interrogation it had felt like months had gone past. Anyway, his mother has asked Light to head out and get some groceries for her for dinner. Raye Penber was still following Light and like before had sat behind him on the bus.

'Here we go again' Light thought to himself as the bus pulled up and Osoreda climbed aboard.

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