c l i c h é ✨ s u g a

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i stood in the gym with yachi and kiyoko as we watched the boys practice.

every day after art club was finished, i made sure to go by the boys volleyball club so suga and i could walk home together. since we're neighbors and our parents are best friends, suga and i have known each other forever and have walked home together since elementary.

i enjoyed watching suga practice and he always made me so proud! he's my favorite person ever and as cliché as it sounds, i can't imagine life without him. i am completely in love with my childhood best friend.

"y/n? are you there? hellooo?" yachi said while waving her hand in front of my face. i guess i was zoning out again..
"o-oh hey! sorry i guess i got a little distracted!" i said a little flustered, poking my fingers together.
"uh hu! you were totally not checking out suga or anything!" yachi snickered and my face grew beet red.
"yachi!!! not heeere!" i wailed as yachi fell into a fit of giggles.
"hey let's save this boy talk for next weekend when we have our girls night!" kiyoko reminded us and yachi and i nodded. now was definitely not the time to talk about my undying love for sugawara koshi.

i saw suga waving to me and i smiled widely at him. "hey y/n i just have to change and then we can walk home together ok?" he smiled as he walked towards the changing rooms. "ok! don't take too long!" i stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled to himself.

just then, hinata came running towards me. "hey y/n i feel like i haven't talked to you in ages!" he grinned. "i know right! you've been practicing so hard and it's really showing! you're going to be a great ace one day!" i said as hinata beamed at the compliment. he and i chatted for a bit, and then yachi and kiyoko left to go home because it was getting late. before we knew it, it was just hinata and i laughing in the gym.

"hey y/n sorry i took so long! i couldn't find my- oh hey hinata i didn't see you there." suga said as he put his hand on hinata's shoulder. "suga are you finally ready to go?" i said as i began to walk towards the exit. "yep! -bye hinata." he said as he followed me closely. "oh uh bye suga! and bye y/n! im super glad we got to talk today! let's do it more often!" hinata waved as suga and i walked out the door.

suga sighed and i noticed he was walking a little closer to me than usual. of course, i didn't mind. i noticed something was bothering him but decided to let him talk about it on his own time. suddenly, to my surprise, he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

"hey y/n, i need to talk to you about something." my heart dropped, fearing the worst. did i do something wrong? does he hate me? does he have a girlfriend? my mind went nuts trying to fathom what he wanted to talk about.

"you can talk to me about anything suga! you know i'm here for you" i smiled gently and he looked down nervously.
"well it's just- i don't want to ruin our relationship with what im about to say so... please just don't freak out on me ok?" he said while scratching his neck.
"i promise i won't freak out, suga. what is it?" i began to fumble with my hands nervously. this suspense was killing me.

"ok here it goes. y/n we've known each other forever and i can't help but constantlythink about how wonderful and amazing a person you are. you're kind and sweet and you've always been there for me. i think you're the most gorgeous person to ever exist and i can't help but fall more in love with you every day" he grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him, my heart fluttering and practically beating out of my chest.

"i love you, y/n." he whispered as he looked into my eyes. he backed away quickly, realizing how close we were. i knew he was overthinking how i felt so i pulled him closer, hugging him tightly.
"i love you too, suga." i smiled into the crook of his neck. he hugged me even tighter if possible before pulling back again, but this time he gently grabbed my chin.

"can i kiss you?" he asked politely and i giggled. he's still such a gentlemen even after our confessions. i nodded and leaned in.

he gently lowered his lips to mine and i swear it was like fireworks went off. his lips were soft and tasted like strawberries. he pulled away before kissing my nose. we held hands the entire way home.

i couldn't wait to tell yachi and kiyoko, and suga was excited to tell our parents who have been wanting us to get together since day one.

as cliché as it sounds, im glad i fell in love with my childhood best friend.


authors note: so this was my first one shot of the book woohoo! and i had to do my suga baby because he's my absolute fave. feel free to leave suggestions on the first page!💖

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