p e r f e c t ✨ k u r o o

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b/n = boyfriends name

everything was supposed to be perfect.

nekoma high school finally agreed to have a dance to raise money for the school. the attire was formal, which meant suits and dresses only. i decided that the night was going to be utterly perfect, and i was going to spend it with my boyfriend, b/n. i chose a beautiful dress (or suit, whatever your preference is) and couldn't wait for the night to come.

it was a friday afternoon, the day before the dance. everyone was all jittery and excited since an event like this hadn't happened in a while. i was walking next to my best friend, kuuro, and we made small talk while we headed to our next class together. i noticed that kuuro had been a little down and different from his usual self.

"hey y/n.." he stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at me through almost sad eyes. i tilted my head and looked up at him. "what is it kuroo?"
"can we talk at lunch? there's something really important that i need to tell you.. about tomorrow." he scratched the back of his neck nervously and his eyes looked anywhere but mine. i responded with a quick "of course!" and we walked to class together.

lunch came and kuroo immediately met up with me. he walked with me outside to a nearby bench and we sat down next to each other. i was getting pretty anxious so i said, "what did you want to tell me kuuro?"
he sighed and took a moment to collect his thoughts. "yesterday in the locker room, i heard b/n talking to his friends and.. he said he plans on cheating on you tomorrow at the dance with another girl. i tried to fight him but kenma and lev held me back. im sorry." he looked away and my heart dropped.

i looked up at kuuro and said, "this has to be a lie i mean, b/n and i have been together for almost a year and he's such a sweetheart. he couldn't possibly brag about wanting to cheat on me. he couldn't! i won't believe it!" i got up and stormed off. i can't believe kuroo would say that to me. why would he lie about something so serious?

after school, i went straight home. i layed out my outfit for the dance and smiled. tomorrow, everything will be absolutely perfect! i thought to myself before jumping into bed. i saw that kuuro had texted me a few times but i ignored it. i texted b/n and didn't get a response but figured he just went to bed early. i shut my lights off and crawled back into bed, so excited for the dance.

saturday came and i got ready at around 4:30 so b/n had time to come over and take pictures and eat with my family. he showed up and everything was going great. he was acting a little strange but i brushed it off as him being nervous.

at 6:45 we headed to nekoma's gym, where the dance was being held. b/n and i found some of his friends and their dates and we hung out for a bit.
"hey i'm going to the restroom. i'll be right back." b/n said and i nodded in response. he winked and walked away. his friends chuckled a little but i couldn't figure out what was so funny. i awkwardly sipped my punch and looked around.

i spotted kuroo and he waved at me and smiled. i looked away, still angry about our conversation the previous day. one of b/n's friends smirked at me and said, "hey y/n, can you go to that storage closet over there and get me a napkin? i spilt my drink." i smiled kindly and said, "of course!" not realizing there was no spilt drink.

i walked over to the storage closet and opened the door, only to see b/n and some random girl half naked and in a really lewd position.
"oh, hey y/n!" b/n smirked before going back to what he was previously doing.

i slowly closed the door and felt my heart break into a million pieces. i felt hot tears trickle down my faces and i ran outside. so what kuroo said was true. and i was so rude to him. i felt absolutely terrible. i slid my back against a wall outside and let the tears come pouring out. i deserved this, after all. for being so stupid. for not giving b/n what he wanted. i sat there for a few minutes before i felt a strong hand on my shoulder and looked up to see kuroo.

he smiled apologetically and slid down to sit next to me. he wrapped me in his arms and i sobbed into his shoulder. he patted me on the back softly and placed his head on top of mine. his soft touch helped me calm down. i looked up at him and said, "im so sorry." he shook his head. "you shouldn't be apologizing, y/n. you did nothing wrong." kuroo gently placed my hand in his and brought me back to his chest. i began to cry again while he held me.

"b-but i deserved it! i couldn't g-give him what he wanted. it's all my fault!" i sobbed while his grip grew a little tighter. "y/n.. you didn't deserve it.." he pulled me back and cupped my tear-stained face in his hands. he began to wipe away my tears and softly smiled at me. he leaned in and whispered, "you deserve the world, y/n. that bastard didn't know he had an angel in his hands. you are so kind, funny, beautiful, and perfect. i care about you a lot, y/n. more than you'll ever know." he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and i smiled.

we stayed like that for a while, in each other's arms. i felt safe with him.
"thank you, kuroo."
"anything for you, y/n."

the following monday, b/n came to school with a black eye and a broken wrist. turns out after i ran out, kuuro went to b/n and beat him up before going to me. kenma and lev let it happen that time.

so i guess everything turned out perfect after all.

A/N: oooof i haven't written in a bit agsggshssggsg. i might write a bokuto fic next maybe if i remember ahahah. stay safe y'all!

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