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3rd person POV
    A man wakes up on the moon. He checks the time and gets up. He gets ready to go out. He walks out (well the best you can walk for being on the moon) he looks at Earth. Suddenly he gets a call.
    A family is getting robbed. The father is begging to be let go. Suddenly a guy in spandex and perfect throwing skills comes into play. He hits the robber perfectly. And just in time before the cops came.
    A movie star was sashaying down the red carpet. She stopped and took pictures covering up the fact that she has a bad personal life with a fake smile. Suddenly all the paparazzi asked her if she heard the passing of her father.
     A man was checking out of rehab yet again. He high-fived the man as he was checking out. As soon as he walks out he goes into an alley way to buy drugs. He blacks out and sees the EMT in the back of an ambulance yet again. He sits up and high-fived him as well. There was a small old television in the corner and the news was reporting on one thing. The passing of Reginald Hargreeves.
     She was packing up from violin. She just got done playing one of the most beautiful pieces even though she was in third chair. She had always been extremely gifted at the violin so she always asked herself why she wasn't good enough to be in first chair. As she was walking to her small apartment she walked past a television shop and saw the news. She was shocked to hear Hargreeves passed.
   And then there was Y/N she was sitting on the couch when she got a call from her best friend. Diego. He had just told her that Reginald Hargreeves was dead. How he died was not in the best of ways to go. It was of a heart attack. He had also told her that if she went to the funeral with him it would mean a lot. At first she declined but after a lot of persuading she finally gave in. So she got ready to go to a funeral for her best friends "father." What she didn't know is that he had siblings and she would fall for one.

I know this is bad but whateverrrrrrrr...

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