Part 7

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Klaus POV
    'Did Y/N just admit her feelings to me, what do I say' a million thoughts were running through my head. " I knew this wouldn't be a good idea, I'm sorry for making this weird." She murmured and walked away. I was red to run after her but for some reason my legs wouldn't move they felt like led. " You are so stupid Klaus! I can see the way you look at her!" Ben yelled you me. "I don't know Ben, I don't wanna get hurt again after what happened last time. I don't wanna get hurt." I told him. "Whatever you know you fucked up" he said before disappearing.
   'God I'm so stupid why did I say that' I thought. It was already dark so I'm assuming I was walking around for a couple of hours. I tried looking around to see where I was but I did see a little shop with lights. 'Might as well go there' I thought. 'Griddys donuts, what a weird name.' As I walked in I saw an older women who was cleaning up. "Hello come sit down, what would you like?" The women asked with suck kindness. I was gonna decline and ask if I could use the phone but my stomach answered for me. 'Guess I'm hungry, I have some money might as well get something.' I thought. "Oh could I have a chocolate donut and (F/C) (favorite coffee)." I asked her. "Of course dear." She said. I decided to sit down a towards the middle of the bar. "Here you go. That will be 2.35 dear." She said. I handed her a five dollar bill, "keep the change." I told her with a kind smile. She smiled back at me, "thank you, my names Agnes sweetheart." She said. "No problem Agnes you deserve it." I replied. "What's on your mind?" She asked me. "I told someone that I really liked them and they didn't return the feelings, but what to expect anymore." I sadly stated but added a fake smile. "Oh I'm sorry, but you're a beautiful girl I'm sure you'll find somebody out there who loves you." I just nodded my head at her response. "Thank you, I really needed that." I said. "No problem-" she was interrupted by a man walking in through the door. She smiled and walked to the back to grab some new coffee for the man. A couple seconds later the bell rang again. This time the mysterious person sat next to me. "Funny seeing you here." They said sarcastically. "Hey five, let me guess they didn't have anything good at the Hargreeves manor?" I asked sarcastically. "Nope, no coffee not a single grain." He responded. Agnes walked back out and asked five and the man what they were getting. "And for the kid?" She asked. "Coffee. Black." He responded through his teeth with a fake smile. I handed her another five dollar bill and she tried to refuse. "Take it, you deserve it." I told her with a kind smile. She just nodded and walked to the back again. The mysterious man walked out after paying. Not even a minute later the bell rang again, I thought nothing of it and thought the man forgot something. "Do you think we wanna hurt a kid and a girl?" I heard a different man ask. "Don't look." Five whispered very harshly. "It's funny you think we're gonna be the ones who get hurt." Five said to the guy. (I'm so sorry I completely forgot how the conversation went)  . Suddenly five grabbed my hand and spacial jumped behind the counter. "Stay here!" He said before spacial jumping again. I sat there waiting for the gun shots to stop. After a while they stopped and five grabbed my hand and led me to the front of the bar again. "Use that knife and get the tracker out of me." He said through gritted teeth. "I don't wanna hurt you." I said. "Y/N I said do it now." He said annoyed. So I grabbed the knife and he pointed to where the tracker would be. I used my skills at the hospital and tried to make it as least painful as possible. (In case your wondering you are an Doctor cause why not). "Be as still as possible please." I begged him. He tried his hardest not to move. I started to put my hand in the cut to find this tracker. After moving my hand around I found it and I took it out as fast as I could. As soon as I was done he grabbed my hand and spacial jumped outside. I still had the tracker in my hand so he grabbed it and threw it in a puddle. He spacial jumped again and we were gone.
Klaus POV
   'Where could Y/N be?' I thought as I paced around my room. Ben was sitting on the bed. "What did I tell you?" He told me. "I'm ignoring you now" I told him.  I grabbed the unlit blunt and lit it. I took a long drag from it. And then another. I kept doing this until I was high again. But Ben was still there. "You know weeds not gonna get rid of me?" He said. "Whatever." I mumbled. I was really tired at this point and decided to take a nice long nap. "Y/N will be here when I wake up." I said before falling asleep.
   "Where are we?" I asked. "Vanyas apartment." He stated bluntly. "Okay, can I check your wound? I need to know it's stopped bleeding." I told him. He slouched and grumbled something under his breath but agreed. I got a good look at it and saw that it didn't stop bleeding completely but slowed down a lot. I grabbed my purse that I always have with me. I grabbed the gauze and rewrapped it. "Just make sure if it doesn't stop bleeding tonight, let me know, okay?" I asked. He nodded his head. I went to go sit on the couch for a few minutes before Vanya walked in. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "You need to lock your windows." Five said. "I live on the second floor." She told him. "Rapists can climb." He replied.
   "So the worlds ending?" She asked. "Yes and I need your help. Your the only one in the 'family' I can trust." He told her. "Okay. Okay. This is crazy, would anyone like a drink?" She rambled. I sat there looking down at the floor realizing that it was true, I would never be able to have kids, never get married, never see my friends, never give my kids amazing birthday parties, never see my kids graduate. I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize five was infront of me. "Y/N we are leaving." He said. "Wait why?" I asked. "She doesn't believe me, I'm gonna save the world with or without help so either you stay or you help." He told me. "I'm gonna help, I'll help even if it kills me." I told him a little anxious. "Look I know you are scared, I promise you I'm gonna try to stop this even if I die on the way." He told me kindly. "Wait, is five showing emotion other than bitchiness." I asked him teasingly. "Shut the fuck up Y/N." He told me. He grabbed my hand and spacial jumped. "Why are we at a store?" I asked. "We need to grab someone." He told me. We walked around for a little bit looking for this person. He stopped at.... Mannequins? "Hey Delores." He told one of them. He grabbed 'Delores' and started to walk away until there was gunshots. 'Here we go again.' I thought. Five grabbed me and put me somewhere safe again. He left me with 'Delores' and started fighting. One of them, the bunny was looking around where I was so I tried to be as silent as possible. I accidentally knocked something over. They started walking towards where I was, they looked directly at my hiding spot and saw the thing I knocked over. They walked towards it and put it back. My mind was racing. 'What the fuck, how can they not see me I'm right there' I had a mental battle about it. They walked away and started fighting five again. The two people with animal masks left. Five came back to us and grabbed us. He then spacial jumped to the Hargreeves manor. "Um five?" I asked. "Yes Y/N?" He answered. "I think I have more than one powers..." I told him. He looked at me before I noticed he was bleeding again.......

Sorry for not posting in over a month but here is another chapter. I made it super long

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