Part 3

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Y/E/C= your eye color
Y/H/L= your hair length
Y/H/C = your hair color
Y/H = your height

    I look up to see Klaus telling me what to do. Tears were streaming down my face as I started to do as I was told. After a few minutes I calmed down and hugged him." Thankyou." I whispered to him." Can I ask you why you had a panic attack." He asked curiously." When I was little my mother and father would argue a lot so I dealt with screaming almost everyday at my house. And when my mom left my dad just got worse. He would get drunk and tell me it's my fault she left and yelled at me constantly. Sometimes he would even go as far as hitting me." I explained. He just looked at me with pity in his eyes." Don't look at me like that I hate pity." I said right afterwards." I'm sorry it must have been hard to go through that all alone. I can't help but feel sorry for you, I don't know half of the stuff your going through but I'll always listen." He said." Thankyou again that means a lot to me. No one has really want to be here for me besides Diego." I explained." Well Y/N I'll always be here. Anyways I have to sober up to talk to daddy dearest." He stated the last part jokingly. I just nodded and got up from the couch and went to go find Diego.
Time skipppp
   I was in Diego's room talking to him when suddenly we heard yelling. I get up along with Diego and run to the source of it. We see this big blue thing in the air and Diego and Luther start arguing about who to follow. Klaus runs outside with a fire extinguisher and yells " Get back I got this!" And then throws it at the thing in the sky. We all see someone it looks like trying to come through. It starts out as an older man but turns younger. He eventually falls to the ground and the blue thing disappears." Five?" Some one from the umbrella academy asks." What the fuck?!" I exclaim before passing out.
Klaus POV
   As little five stood up I saw that Y/N was falling down. As quickly as I could I grabbed her in hopes that she wouldn't get hurt. Ben just looked at me but I waved him off. Diego was to busy with Luther to notice his best friend was passed out I mentally rolled my eyes. So I grabbed her and took her up to my old room. As I set her down on the bed I looked at her and realized how beautiful she was. From the way her Y/E/C eyes sparkled. From the way her Y/H/L Y/H/C suited her perfectly. Or how her Y/H frame was shirt compared to my 6'0 frame.(Yes that's how tall he is my friend just randomly knew that so I decided to add it). I saw that Ben was in the room looking at me with curiosity. I again just waved him off and walked out.

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