Part 1

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3rd person POV
     Y/N was right next to Diego as they were walking inside the house. Y/N was amazed at how big it actually was. They were the first ones there. Y/N grabbed Diego's hand in hope to calm down her anxiety. Diego knee that she never did well in unfamiliar places and when she said yes it meant a lot to him. Diego led Y/N up to his old room. "Can you stay here. I need to go look for something." Diego asked kindly. " Of course. Take your time." She said even though a million different thoughts were running throughout her mind. 'What if he leaves me' and ' I don't know where I am why would he leave me' but after she took a couple of breaths and tried to calm down. Diego nodded and walked over to the door. He looked over at her one more time and closed the door. Now alone Y/N looked around the room. In the wardrobe she found the old suits that Diego and his siblings had to wear. She looked over to the big mirror and remembered the stories Diego told her about his 'mom' helping his stutter. Y/N was examining the rest of the room when she heard some commotion. She slowly walked down and saw two other women and Diego. Diego and one woman had her back to Y/N while one was facing your way. "Diego?" Y/N called out. Diego swiftly turned around and looked at her. The woman who  also had her back turned around. "Um who the fuck are you?" One woman stayed though she seemed familiar. Not like Y/N has met her but like she's seen her on TV. " Oh um  yeah, I'm Y/N. Diego's he's my best friend and he kinda dragged me here and I'm sorry if I was bothering you and I understand this is a family eve-" she started but was cut off by Diego. "I invited her to come here with me because I couldn't come back to this hell hole alone." He stated annoyed at his siblings. At this point another sibling had walked in. He was tall and very muscular and his appearance scared you. Y/N looked down until you heard another person walk in. She looked at him and you made eye contact and it was like time had stopped.

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