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The rest of this won't be as formal. Just thought I'd say! 


He led her through the winding hallways explaining what being a butler meant, who the Young Master was and answering any other questions she had. He stopped in front of the door to his office and knocked before going inside, "Master, we have a problem."

The boy was sitting behind a desk writing something down when Sebastian came in. "What is it; can't you handle it on your own?" He looked up and noticed Renzai clinging to Sebastians arm, "who is that?" He asked irritated.

Renzai ran towards him and slammed her hands on the desk, "I'm Renzai what's your name?" She smiled happily.

He sighed, "Ciel Phantomhive; Sebastian did you really have to dress her up like a cat? This little obsession of yours is getting annoying."

He reached up and started tugging on her ears. She hissed and ran back to Sebastian, "don't touch my ears!" Ciel glared at her.

"Sir, Renzai is actually a Bakeneko; a very rare kind of cat demon."

Ciel slammed his hands on the desk, "you can't resist anything having to do with cats can you! She can't stay here; one demon is bad enough."

"Sir, she chose me to be her guardian I had no say in the matter. She can hide her cat features and these types of demons are very powerful, I think she would be a nice addition."

Renzai shook her head; the cat ears and tail vanished, she winced. "It hurts, but I can hide them," she smiled.

Ciel scoffed, "how would she make a good addition? She looks like a helpless, incapable child." 

Renzai smirked,"oh, does the high and mighty Ciel Phantomhive want me to give him a little demonstration on what I can do?" She laughed. He glared at her, not saying a word; she returned the favor.

Ciel stood up in a robotic-like way and started walking around the room, "I'm Ciel Phantomhive and I never smile! I like to sit behind my desk and make people do things for me; Sebastian unclog my toilet! Sebastian clean my room! Sebastian wash my back! When you're not in the room I pretend I'm an accordion! Weep Wop, Weep, Wop!" Ciel was jumping up and down; Sebastian couldn't contain his laughter.

Ciel picked up a knife off his desk, "look at this, I wonder how sharp it is. I'll throw it at you Sebastian, I'm goanna do it!" He pretended to throw the knife and started laughing, "no I won't throw it at you. This knife is too shiny for you, I think I'll use it on my hand!" He brought the knife only centimeters away from his skin before stopping, he glared at Renzai and Sebastian. "If you ever do that to me again I will string you to a tree by your precious cat ears!"

She laughed, "don't underestimate me and I won't have to show you what else I can do."

She smirked and Sebastian placed a hand on her shoulder, "I think you've shown the Young Master more than enough."

He glared at both of them, "fine. You will protect me and this manor no matter what, got it? Sebastian may be your guardian or whatever, but you will still work as my servant." She opened her mouth to protest; Sebastian squeezed her shoulder silencing her.

"Understood sir, I'll introduce her to the others and put her to work." Ciel waved them away.

Sebastian bowed and led Renzai out into the hallway. "You've met the Young Master, what do you think?" He asked as they walked through the halls. 

She smirked, "I can't follow his orders unless you tell me to. You're my Master, not him."

He laughed, "I follow the Young Masters orders and you follow mine. My orders are the same, you will protect the Young Master and this manor nomatter what. You will do whatever work I tell you to do without question got it?" 

She bowed, "yes Master."

He smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist, "good. Now lets introduce you to the rest of the servants." He led her down the stairs toward the kitchen.

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