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Going OVA! Hope you like it!! And the lyrics Renzai is singing is from the song run for your life by the beatles which is posted on the side! And yes, I know this is the OVA, but it does have A LOT to do with what's coming up!


 Ciel sat behind his desk reading the newspaper and enjoying his morning tea. “The Funtom Company is celebrating its third year; in honor, they are presenting a play to orphaned children. The presentation of Hamlet.” 

Sebastian put on a fake smile, “I do admire you philanthropic spirit, Young Master.”

“No, love brings money, you do know…”

“Young Master!”Mey-Rin and Renzai threw the office door open and rushed inside; Renzai tripping over her own feet and hitting the floor face first.Ciel rolled his eyes.

“Thanks for the help,” Renzai growled as she pulled herself up.

“What on earth happened?” Ciel asked.

“The actors ran into some trouble at sea, they won’t be able to get here until next week.” Mey-Rin pulled at her dress, hoping that Ciel wouldn’t be too angry.

“The performance is three days away; do you know how much it’s been advertised?” He shouted at the two of them, “We can’t reschedule.” He sat in silence; thinking about what to do. “Sebastian, make the show a success, it must be worthy of the Phantomhive name.”

He bowed, “yes, my Lord.”

“Mey-Rin, you are excused; Renzai stay here, I need to speak with you.”

Mey-Rin rushed back out into the hallway, leaving the nervous demon standing in front of Ciel.

He crossed his arms, “what in the bloody hell are you wearing?” He said.

Renzai looked down at her new dress, “Sebastian made it for me; you don’t like it?” She was wearing a pink flower print dress with matching shoes, hairpiece and bright makup. 

“Absolutely not!” He shouted, “Go change into something people will actually respect.”

Renzai shot daggers at the stubborn earl, “I will not!  Sebastian made this outfit for me; you’re not my master so stop trying to order me around!”

Ciel stood up, knocking his chair over, “how dare you speak to me like that! You live in my manor and will do as I say; I will not have you humiliate me!”

Renzai smirked, “I could humiliate you right now if I wanted to. I can dress you up in a nice frilly pink dress and make you walk outside for the whole world to see.”

Ciel balled his hands into fists, “you wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh I dare; now, what’s it going to be, Lady Ciel?” She chuckled.

Sebastian grabbed Renzais ear like a mother would do with a misbehaving child, “that’s enough.”

“Ow, Sebastian that hurts!” Renzai tried to push him away.

“Young Master, I can assure you Renzais clothes will not be an embarrassment to the Phantomhive name. It’s a new trend that women all over London have been testing; I thought I’d see how Renzai would look in an outfit like this.”

Ciel sat back down, “just get out and do your jobs.”

Sebastian bowed and left.

Renzai glared at Ciel, “don’t forget I’m a demon, and I can make you do anything I want.”

Ciel lost the feeling in both his arms and legs, damn you Renzai and your stupid puppet control, he thought. “Honestly, don’t you have any other tricks?”

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