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I know the characters personalities change though the story and they will be different in the sequel. This be the warning. And merry christmas! 


Sebastian stormed through the house trying to find something to distract him from what happened earlier. How dare she let Claude touch her like that, how could she let Alois hold her hand. She showed him that form; I’m the only one who’s allowed to see her like that! Why didn’t she call for me; did she actually enjoy being treated like that by Claude and Alois?

The bell to Ciels office started ringing; finally a distraction. Sebastian knocked lightly on the door before opening, “did you need something?” He growled.

Ciel looked up from his paperwork, “you’re awfully tense; did things at the Trancy Manor not go well?” He smirked.

Sebastian struggled to keep his composure; “anything having to do with them never goes well. What was it you needed sir?”

“I got a message from the Queen today; something about murders going on in the city. She said it’s an urgent matter and needs me there as soon as possible.”

“What is as soon as possible?” Sebastian asked in monotone.

“Tomorrow, first thing in the morning; be sure to have our luggage ready.”

“Yes, my lord.” Sebastian prepared a bath for Ciel, washed him and dressed him for bed. After making sure he was asleep, Sebastian packed all the clothes Ciel would need; we might be there a while. There was nothing left to do but for Sebastian to pack his clothes. He quietly unlocked and opened the bedroom door; a ball of white fur was curled up  and was lying on the floor in a corner. He sighed and packed his clothes.
He picked the white kitten up off the floor and sat down on the bed; her body resting in his lap. He stroked her back, causing her to stir. She sat up, but kept her eyes on her paws and meowed softly. “Please don’t be like that; talk to me.” She meowed again and changed; she was completely naked, but Sebastian didn’t care.

“I’m sorry  Sebastian, I won’t ask for anything again.”

He pulled her body close to his, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder. “Don’t say things like that; I did what I did because Claude and Alois aren’t people you should trust; seeing you act so natural around them, letting Claude touch you like that and Alois seeing you drove me crazy. I wanted to be the only one to see you like that. I’m sorry for keeping you locked up away from people; I just want to protect you from people like them. If you really want to get out of the manor; tomorrow the Young Master and I are going into the city. We’d be staying there for a while, if you want and if the Young Master approves you could come with me. Would you want to do something like that?” She nodded. “I’m glad… and if you really want to remain friends with Alois than I guess I’m ok with that, but I’m not leaving you alone with him.” He noticed the dark red mark on her arm where he’d grabbed her earlier. “Your arm, I didn’t… I’m so sorry.” He hugged her tight, “please forgive me, Renzai?”  

 She smiled, “of course I forgive you.”

“Let me bandage your arm then we can go to sleep, but I want you to stay like this.” She let him stand up and look for the first aid kit.

Renzai blushed, “without clothes?”

He smiled, “I have a shirt you can wear.” I wouldn’t mind her sleeping without the shirt though, he thought. He sat back down next to her, “let me see your arm.” She quietly obeyed. She watched closely as he bandaged her. “Better?” He asked; she nodded. He went to the closet and pulled out a shirt he didn’t bother packing. “You can sleep in this,” he handed her the shirt. She smiled and turned away so Sebastian could get ready. “Oh and Renzai; I know you’ve been watching me undress every night.

She stopped fidgeting with the buttons on the shirt, “how did you find out?”

Sebastian laughed, “You’re not very discreet with things like that. Turn around so I can help you.” She blushed. He smiled and started fixing the buttons; she looked cute wearing his shirt. “Come on and lay down with me, we both need to rest.” She scurried underneath the blankets and pulled her body as close to his as she could get. She rested her head on his chest; he wrapped his arms around her, “goodnight Sebastian,” she whispered before falling asleep in his arms.          

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