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Hi people! This chapter is just explaining what exactly a Bakeneko is through Sebastians thoughts. Sorry if it sucks its almost 2 in the morning and I'm really tired. Hope you like it though the next chapter will be better! 

Sebastian started dusting in the library; pulling all the information he knew about the Bakeneko to the front of his mind. These demons are very rare and powerful, they originate from one single being unless they were created by an already existing cat by drinking lamp oil. He finished dusting and left to make tea for Ciel. If they are created by the overseeing being the demon stays with that being until a certain age, then they are cast out to find a predetermined master. Weather it being human, demon, angel or animal once a Bakeneko makes contact with its master it changes into a form most pleasing to its master. 

 Sebastian smirked at that thought, very pleasing indeed. He finished with the tea and headed back down the hallway to Ciel's office. Lets’ see what else… His thoughts about Renzai were put on hold as he entered Ciels office, “this afternoon’s tea is Assam.” He poured Ciel a cup and handed it to him, “is there anything else you need?”

Ciel glared at him, “just keep your new pet in check.” He took a sip of tea and waved him away. Sebastian bowed and left to continue with his daily schedule. 
Hmm…a Bakeneko must stay by their master and do whatever they are told to do no matter what. Sebastian entered the study and observed the entire room before getting started.They are very fast learners and each is given a unique supernatural ability. Ciels little incident earlier today crept into his mind. “She must be able to control her enemies,” he said to himself. “That won’t be enough to defend this manor. I’ll have to teach her how to use a sword tomorrow; it shouldn’t take more than an hour.”

“What shouldn’t take more than an hour?” A female voice came from behind him. Sebastian turned and saw Mey-Rin staring at him, confused.

“We have a new employee, her name is Renzai and I expect you and the others to give her the same respect you give me. I’m teaching her how to use a sword tomorrow…is there something you needed?” She looked away.

 “I came in here to clean, but I see you’ve already taken care of that. I’ll go get the dishes ready for dinner.” She rushed out leaving the door wide open. He sighed, closed the door and wrapped himself up in thoughts about Renzai.

His eyes widened, “I forgot the most important thing about a Bakeneko; the third form.” The third form is the most dangerous; it’s the demons true form. Not the simple cat form, nor the form it chose to present to its master a true demonic being. Of course this transformation doesn’t occur unless the demons master is in danger of losing its life. Sebastian smiled, “well then I better make sure not to get into too much trouble.”  

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